CIA briefing on journalist murder

Corrupt piece of slime.

Whitewater has nothing on this corruption.

The President has the same access to the intelligence that the Senators saw yesterday.

Now the Trump supporters need to ask themselves, why did the President come to a completely different conclusion than Lindsey Graham and why did Mattis and ā€œInvestigate Benghazi till I Dieā€ Pompeo deliver to them information that was garbage?

Whitewater? Harding Wishes he was able to get away with as much as this Admin has. 500 rooms in 3 month? yeah perfectly fine

300 rooms at $600 bucks a pop, ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  insane.

lets not forget this little gem that has been, like so many other, brushed aside because of new and even more outrageous admin policies

Meanwhile, veterans are getting screwed and trump supporters still have undying loyalty to this clownā€¦unbelievable.

but you know who did get paid?

Watergate has nothing on this corruption.

Teapot Dome will be a tempest in a teapot by the time the truth about Trump and his family comes out.

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The common man getting screwed.


At least it wasnt hillaaarrryyy

Thatā€™s messed up.

there is definitely a certain vulgarity finding out that Chinese Companies are benefiting from tariffs, the President doesnt understand that its Us consumer filling the coffers and soldiers who have done their part are getting screwed out of their benefits all the while this is happening

Because Trump cares more about $$ than human life.

Fat donaldā€™s truth is not the truth.


Wow. Thatā€™s justā€¦ I donā€™t even

The same people that spent years screeching about Obama and the ā€œIf you want to keep your doctorā€ donā€™t care that the President, Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense all coordinated in lying to Congress and the American people.

Libs are not the ones who call journalists the enemy of the people,
Or the ā€œlamsestreamā€ media.

There is only so much we can do in other countries and their practices.
I do not disagree with your frustration with China. But blaming libs, is misplaced.

Uh, have you never seen any of Conanā€™s previous posts? I donā€™t know what that guy would do with himself if ā€œlibsā€ didnā€™t exist.

Also, apperantly a ā€œlibā€ and ā€œliberalā€ are two completely seperate terms.

To be fair a ā€œlibā€ is to Trumpers what ā€œfake newsā€ is to Trumpā€¦