Chris Wallace says 'well-connected' Republican told him there's a 20 percent chance GOP will vote for impeachment


I had a different word come to mind.

Well, that too

Clearly this is at the point where you are as a group saying “no…you’re the one”. And insinuations of “youre a …” but we’re not going to use the word because we’re too clever.


You were already schooled on the laughable victimhood argument that no President has been investigated like Trump.

Many Trumpists, and I’m not saying this includes you, take the victimhood to a new level by an active effort to ignore reality and exacerbate it with a willful absence of self-awareness. .

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Reality is reality. Deny it all you want, but it still exists.


Might I suggest the red pill next time.
(Shameless Matrix plug here.)

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Better hope trump never takes the stand then

He wont. He’s got too much to hide. That and he is a straight up coward


Statute of Limitation for most Federal crimes is 5 years. If he can win another term as President then he will have gotten his get-out-of-jail (or would it be stay-out-of-jail) card.


Did Bill have half a dozen invitations into an attempted coup like Obama?

Not hard to figure out the sick Democrats motive.