Chris defies own brother Andrew Cuomo on social distancing guidelines

A wee touch hyperbolic don’t you think?

How contagious is leprosy?

Chris Coumo did not have leprosy, guessing that is lucky for you.

I imagine many of us here are applauding David of East Hampton, NY who choose not to ignore, apparently looking out for the welfare of others.

Who was he looking out for? Name them.

Simple questions here:

Was he under a quarantine order which includes not leaving the residence where he is quarantined at.

Did he leave the quarantine residence and travel to the 2nd.

Both questions are a simple yes or no.

Are there any penalties if the answers to your questions are yes? If yes, what are the penalties?

Murphy and Cuomo have instructed citizens like this David to look out and report specific people to police who look to be violating published social distancing guidelines.

Yes. That caused a bulletin to come out asking people to use common sense when reporting incidents here in NJ because they’re getting too many people reporting crap like the topic of this thread. But I guess not in NY? Here’s a link

You would have to ask the local health dept.

But of course we all know its "d"ifferent when it is someone the left likes.

Read the article-action will be taken against guys like Cuomo whether in NJ or NY-here is the quote:

Leusner, who also serves as the police chief in Middle Township, said responding to these reported gatherings can put officers’ own lives at risk — in terms of COVID-19 and other threats — “but that’s their job.”

“I can tell you, absolutely 100%, that police officers will do their job and take action,” he said.

He noted only a small percentage of New Jersey residents are ignoring the governor’s orders.

Read More: NJ police chief: ‘Use common sense’ when reporting illegal crowds | NJ police chief: 'Use common sense' when reporting illegal crowds

I don’t know what you’re arguing here. No cops are breaking up family gatherings. None. It’s not happening. Unless it’s a public display of a party of 40+ people, nothing is happening.

All weekend by me it was fireworks (to dog’s dismay) and backyard BBQs. No cops are going to people’s houses and breaking anything up.

Whether or not the police over where you live are often looking the other way or not does not make wrong what a concerned citizen did in reporting the infected Cuomo into East Hampton, New York police.

You’re kidding, right? Am I missing something? Please tell me if I am so we can clear this up. Cuomo was with his family and he was reported? Is there anything else to this case? If there is then please tell me. Then I’ll agree with you. Otherwise this is a non issue.

In August 2019 Chris Cuomo apologized for making a profanity-laced rant against a man who called him “Fredo.” Why not man up and apologize yet again…

Cuomo is Above the Law

biker was right. Cuomo should not have left his house.

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I have made comments based on what was in the article. It is not completely clear from the article exactly what “David” spoke to the police about; whether it was to do with the alleged breach of the quarantining protocols or a perceived threat.

Since I am not a Democrat I can speak to the matter without any bias. I would expect that it is assessed on its merits.

Again, did the dude leave his house which is where he was ordered to stay while under quarantine.

Did he?

Leprosy has tormented humans throughout recorded history. In 1873 it was proved that leprosy was caused by a germ. Like COVID-19 it spreads through mucosal secretions of a person with the infection. Many people back in the day believed incorrectly carriers of the contagious disease could of originated via hereditary means, from a curse, or even from a sin. Luckily the vast majority of people in modern society have built up immunity to fight off contracting the leprosy disease.

The operative word was “contagious” in comparing leprosy to coronavirus. Too bad Chris Cuomo did not try harder in heeding the warnings. Now his wife is confirmed positive according to her cavalier husband Chris.

See link below: