Choice for Democrats: Abandon BLM or abandon racist vaccine mandates

You don’t know that.

LOL someone painted themselves into a corner with no way out. :rofl:


Well that’s racist…


That’s pathetic. How weak does a culture have to be to need special rules in order to compete in a simple debate?

How weak to always run back to that same motte and sling accusations of racism, every single time?

I didn’t con you out of your money and break your trust, Fat Ass Big Mama Patrisse the Fleece did. And it hurts, I get it. She is black.

You can lash out, it’s fine.


Lol I was thinking the same when I saw this.

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It goes back further than that and has many meanings. Big mama in itself just mean fat woman in English.

The person creating the picture can’t be racist? That’s weird

“How can a picture feel emotion” what a weird statement.

Well I probably wouldn’t if you didn’t post pictures of your glory days on this forum. Your need to flex let me know this.

Says the old white guy, who has claimed to be a racist.


You sound like you were just born yesterday. Why does this surprise you?

Emotional… “every single time” is not correct.

This time, for you, I called you out. Don’t read much into it. I’ll continue supporting this forum and your need to flex your new intellectual toys.

She didn’t con me out of a dime… there you go assuming. Because I am black I have to be conned by BLM org. :rofl:

And proud of it.

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Do white women, in the United States, get called “Big Mama”? Is that a label put on them?

Well looks like reading is a tough thing these days…

Sorry…but over playing your race card will blind you from reality.

Define “overplaying”

What’s the limit?

People with breakthrough infections shed the virus for a shorter period of time, do they not?

Sorry…not going to play what is “is” is.

Do eye doctors know more about infectious disease then doctors who specialized in studying infectious disease?

I’m guessing “zero”.