Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine Coronavirus cures?

One survivor said his breathing was restored with in 3 to 4 hours after taking the drug. He said he was on his death bead.

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Stories starting to appear today that Moderna’s vaccine will be ready for emergency use this fall. Moderna stock (MRNA) up almost 12% today.

A 42-year-old woman from the Los Angeles area who’s diagnosed with lupus said her health care provider stopped filling her prescription for chloroquine – and sent her a message thanking her for her “sacrifice” to help treat those seriously ill with the coronavirus.

The woman identified only by her first name Dale said she received a message from Kaiser Permanente, a major health care provider based in Oakland, Calif., on Tuesday informing her that the company was reserving its current supply of plaquenil/hydroxychloroquine. The drug would be used to treat those “critically ill with COVID-19” amid shortages caused by the global pandemic, it said.

“The fact that they thanked me for my ‘sacrifice’ is disturbing,” Dale told BuzzFeed News. “I never agreed to sacrifice my health and possibly my life, and cannot believe that I am being forced to do so.”

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Congratulations. That is the most insane thing I have ever read on these forums. And that’s saying something.

No, the Russian collusion lie was!

Not even close.

I saw a bit on a 100pt study out of NY last week where they had 100% success.

All the patients were very sick and hospitalized in either serious or critical condition.

Harsh as it sounds these Severe Respiratory Syndrome Viruses have been the natural culling mechanism for the human population for centuries and will continue to be.

We’re going to be lucky and beat this one without too many lives lost but it’s only a matter of time until another one pop’s up we can’t stop.

You guys made us the enemy, you’re just reaping that which you have sown.


There is no scarcity. 300 million doses have been added to the existing stockpiles in the last two weeks and another hundred million will be coming from Germany next week.


It’s out there a bit but far from the craziest thing I’ve ever seen posted here.

And of course there’s absolutely nothing to support the claim.

Opinions will vary of course.

I wonder, did you read the article?

In its emailed message, Kaiser Permanente said “hydroxychloroquine does build up a level in the system that stays in the body for an average of 40 days even after the last dose is taken.

I still seriously question whether or not this is true. None of our stores or hospital pharmacies are running low and there has been no order sent out by the federal gov’t to gather it all up and save it for CCV patients.

I did read it. I quoted the part that was germane to the post I replied to, illustrating that there are two sides to the coin. The woman quoted could die because she can’t get her medicine due to it being used to treat people with covid.

No, she’s not going to die and the entire article is at best suspect.

In its emailed message, Kaiser Permanente said “hydroxychloroquine does build up a level in the system that stays in the body for an average of 40 days even after the last dose is taken.

If this was actually going on it would be a bigger story than the virus itself.

There has been no nationalization of the existing stockpiles nor any order coming from the feds to cut off people with active prescriptions for it.

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Not cut off, simple unavailability of the drug. There are hundreds of articles all over the internet about pharmacies running short of chloroqune drugs.

That isn’t what your article claims, they are flat refusing to pay to refill the Scripts.

KP isn’t a prescription service it’s a health insurance conglomerate, essentially the largest compaq in the country.

From the same article is a verified doctor who tweeted that she couldn’t get it for her lupus either.

Anna Valdez, Ph.D., RN, a medical professional also diagnosed with lupus, said she couldn’t refill her prescription for hydroxychloroquine either due to shortages amid the coronavirus outbreak. It is unclear who her health care provider is.

Did you hear that right wing propagandist Morning Joe accusing Trump of wanting to let veterans from WWII and Korea and Vietnam die the other day so Boeing’s bottom line could be saved. I m on my phone so the link is hard but it was March 25 or 26 it’s easy to look up.


Morning Joe is a slobbering left winger???

It the left always says it’s folks on the right stoking fear and just flat lying…damn!

Well it didn’t exactly hurt your chances, did it? :laughing: