China Trade Policy - Where Do We Go From Here?

USMCA balanced out a poor economic trade situation in North America, alone. :us: Make America First :us:

I donā€™t. But it is your story. You can spin it any way you want. You supported weinstein and cosbey till their wheels fell off.

In God we trust. Make America First. Say no to Globalism. Chinese Communist Party is a godless society

nahā€¦ I got paid because of them.

Trump supporters do it for free.

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Who are you paid by? This is interesting that you should bring up pay. Are you paid now? Do you know of any posters getting paid to express opinions on social media?

Any dirty money? Weinstein was dirty money, cosbey was dirty money, woody was dirty money and so on. And lonnywood makes a living out of playing characters in fantasy land, unreal people playing unreal characters, playing smoke dreams.

I heard china owns looywood like they own NBA, colleges, etc.

If Biden wins America will go in whatever direction China orders us to.

After all they already own Biden.

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I agree with that statement. :clap::+1::clap:

Isnā€™t what your guy wants is free trade with China and a national $15 minimum wage? How is that going to work out for workers?

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A lot of jobs going back to C H I N A

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ā€œFreeā€ trade from China means they can tariff but we canā€™t just like under Obama.


Trump is not out for workersā€™ best interests. Itā€™s a shabby lieā€¦so shabby I canā€™t believe you believe it.

Capital is favored over labor in the American System as much as it is in the globalist system.

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All I can say is what the definition of a lie is. I suspect you have an ulterior motive to push your agenda. A narrative is a narrative.

:us: Make America First :us:

Ohā€¦then please fine sir, share with me a few of Bidenā€™s greatest accomplishments in office.

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Have we found common ground?

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The whole world will not unite behind a President whose policy is to eschew multilateralism for zero sum America First BS.

I told people that when this whole America first BS first started.

That America first would morph into America aloneā€¦


Trumpā€™s view of NATO is just insane.

When asked if he was concerned that Trump was ā€œhelping Putin splinter NATO,ā€ Stoltenberg said, ā€œWhat I see is that actually NATO is united because we are able to adapt to deliver. North America and Europe are doing more together now than before.ā€

Stoltenberg said Trump is helping ā€œus adapt the alliance, which we need, because we live in a more unpredictable world.ā€

The President thinks that other nations ā€œoweā€ us something because of NATO.

That is the insane part.

A career politician born into a family of politicians and diplomats, whose job likely depends on what the President thinks of him, buttering up and flattering President Trump?

You donā€™t SAY.

Such a novel approachā€¦flattering someone who likes to be flattered to get what one wants.

I wonder if any other world leaders have tried thatā€¦


If he says the President is doing a good job he is a liar. If he says the President is a liar he is doing a good job.

I get it. Foreign dignitaries hate Trump, even when they say they think he is doing a good job. Thereā€™s really no way, is there?