China threatens US over trade war

This is a gibberish response to the previous posts.

China is “waiting for a Democrat” to negotiate on trade because Obama said something in a speech? Do you ever stop to actually read the previous posts you made?

I didn’t really expected a LIB to have any clue. They honestly believe Obama’s apology tour made the U.S. stronger.

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No, I believe that it only holds significance in the minds of the trained CEC seals, clapping and barking away the talking points they have been so easily fed.


I wouldn’t be surprised if China was working with the Democratic Party to defeat Donald Trump. Barr should look into that.


You know it’s bad when they go back to “apology tour”. So sad.


A lot of the same folks that wigged out anytime someone posted something about Bush during Obama’s time in office.

China is structured so that they can hold out a very long time. And if they want to get nasty they can use their investment in our debt. Right now China has more cards to play then we do. And they will not be bullied by the likes of Trump. I predict that this whole thing is going to blow up in his face.

If you think that Obama gave an apology your, be ready for the real apology tour that the next President will be required to give.

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According to this article from South China Morning Post, the Mountain Pass mine won’t be cranking for a year and a half, or the end of 2020. China is a minority owner.

I would have thought as much as the left is concerned with global warming it might be a good thing if the worlds biggest carbon emitter industry might slow down.

Not sure what your point is, that timeframe can easily be sped up (it being a historic and active mine) and there are stockpiles and other suppliers. It’s just not the weakness you think it is.

No point really, just more info.

China has all kinds of ways to hurt us economically. Vice versa, let’s just hope we don’t bleed too much.

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Saying LIB “knew a ton” about China is…far from an accurate statement. Marrying a Chinese woman doesn’t suddenly give you special insight into how the Chinese government operates.

He often claimed that ultra-super-duper-mega-whacko-ubernationalistic high ranking generals in the Chinese military were itching to find a reason to go to war with the US. Claiming that threats to invade Taiwan were very real, etc, etc. I don’t claim to know the inner workings of the CCP and their way of thinking, but I can tell you that LIB’s “insights” were --at best-- marginally better than your average Hannity board armchair general’s. To understand and know how to deal with the Chinese operate, you need to understand their concept of “face”.

They are spending over 100B a year (3 times as much as the US) on green energy and are building 15 nuclear power plants to go along with the 45 currently in operation. They are well on their way to weaning themselves off coal.

I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to let Trump bring coal jobs back to the US.

That’s fine. Make the imbalance worse and I’ll bet tariffs go up. You may respect their resolve but I respect ours a tad more. China is a cheater and a cheater shouldn’t win by cheating. All I learned from your post is I sure am glad you’re not at the helm.

When you have resolve over the wrong things, it isn’t something to be respected.

And Trump has resolve over the wrong things.

And seriously? You’re going to go with a “cheaters should never win” mentality?

Do you live in the real world?

Having a morality play as your driver to set trade policy in the real world is utterly ridiculous.

I predict they will wait to see what happens with the election.