China threaten Canada with punishment for siding with America

no were in the OP did I blame Trump, I’m simply putting out that China is openly attacking American core allies Canada has been a target of China for the last year due to our relationship with America.

Trump is responsible for all the fallout from his policies. If this was Obama, you’d be all over it like black on Aunt Jemima.

No I don’t want Canada to side with China over America on this case or any future disputes America is 100x more important to Canada then China, China has been trying to deep-in their control over Canadian market for the last few decades.

I’m quite worried about the increased pressure from China on western allies and some of that worry does come from Trump refusal to stand strong with traditional western allies.

though last week the VP was in Canada to assure us that America will back Canada on this dispute and all future disputes with China.

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That doesn’t make your argument any less fallacious.

Hey…what’s good for the goose is good for gander.

Good. We shouldn’t be dealing with non Representative nations like China. No representative countries should be.

My issue with Trump is he doesn’t openly support traditional western allies publicly like former Presidents.

when Saudi Arabia threaten 9/11 style attack on Canada. there was no support issued from the WH.

when China started arresting and locking up Canadian citizen on false charges. there was no support issued from the WH

though I would blame this on Trump general dislike for Canada he doesn’t seem very fond of the nation at all.

Frankly we shouldn’t be supporting SA either.

This thread was brought about China putting pressure on Canada because Canada was involved in our going after a Chinese millionaire who was involved in a fraud scheme. The US was doing what they should have been doing and Canada was right to assist.
Tilly goes off into confusing this with something to do with how bad Trump and tariffs are, which I noticed was totally irrelevant.
And you come in and say my “argument” was fallacious.
Do you people ever think before you jump in?

And ps…Tilly is still trying to connect the two. This country did exactly what it should have been doing., whether you and Tilly see it or not.
And so was Canada.

BS…It’s a separate issue because you don’t want to deal with it as the same issue it is. Time to man-up and call-out Trumps tariffs for the bad policy they are and stop being his lap dogs.

There actually is very little evidence Huawei is involved in any types of fraudulent activities that it is being accused of…there is a greater likelihood that this is part of a global battle over 5G dominance…since Huawei is a player there.

The House Intelligence committee has offered scant evidence of the spyware charges, and the fraud charges associated with doing illegal business in Iran or stealing US trade secrets is based on scant evidence as well.

So it’s not linked to tariff policy- it is linked to trade policy with China.

A trade for the Chinese exec. could be the face saving move both sides need to get out of this mess. Likely a bit more will be needed, but this could be the catalyst.

The House Intelligence Committee does not indict for crimes, as much as they might want to. That is still the job of the Department of Justice.
Unlike the House, they do not always rush to the Washington Post with their evidence.

It sure as hell hasn’t.

All the presidents back S.A. when they get in office and quiet frankly it makes me sick. I watched W, Obama, and Trump all do it and I don’t approve of it. Whether it comes to allies like Canada or like what Obama did by vetoing a bill to allow the 9/11 families to sue the S.A. Government.

I think the vast majority of American voters dislike the way we kiss the ring of the Saudi’s.

You do realize that at least 2 of the 5 top tier democrats (Sanders and Warren) are as hawkish about trade with China as Trump is? As of now it looks like Biden will win the democratic primaries but it could be Sanders, and he just recently slammed Biden on his lax attitude with China on trade.

It’s the nature of international negotiation. You never know where a opening/breakthrough will occur.

That’s nice.

However, it is a complicated case and I’m not just going to assume they’re guilty of fraud because…China.

I do know they’re players in the 5G world and that makes Western rivals very nervous.

So your argument is STILL fallacious…or at best, very premature.

In touch with your feminine side? Cup of tea?

Sigh… just sigh…