China stops buying us soybeans,trumps trade war screws over farmers

Trump starts a Trade War. Then tries to negotiate. Comes back empty handed. Big Ugly Dummy

How utterly juvenile.

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Udder Lee!

That isnā€™t even funny in dairy country.

Why hasnā€™t it been done, if itā€™s such a good idea?

he needs for the people heā€™s negotiating with to be afraid of his money and how heā€™d crush them in court.

Another Russian win!

Stable Genius makes America great again!

That would preclude US companies from selling into emerging markets that couldnā€™t possibly produce the level of goods that they demand as they ramp up their infrastructure and their economy grows.

it would also preclude US companies from buying goods from small economies that are manufacturing power houses like Korea and Japan.

trump will succeed at nothing except getting screwed!

The only policy that would work to create the necessary level playing field would be to have reciprocity on both imports and exports to/from those countries we do business with.

Explain what you mean. Are you saying that if country A exports $100 billion of goods/services to American consumers, that they should be required to import $100 billion in goods/services from America?

Adam Smith would be spinning in his grave if he heard this type of talk.

He was for China before he was agin china.

This thread looks familiar. I think Iā€™ve seen it recently before?

Two different liberals on this site posting on two different threads. One posts that Trump wanted to help Farmers, and the other posts a thread saying the opposite! lol.
You guys need to get your story straight! Itā€™s incompetent on your parts, and annoying to read back to back threads that are very similar, and yet contradict themselves in some ways.
Itā€™s like you enjoy wasting people time, and you canā€™t come up with anything original?

This guy is constantly caught in the middle of everything! lol.

Iā€™m not a liberal. And my thread discusses the failure of the Farm Bill to pass. This thread is regarding the fact that China has virtually stopped buying soybeans from the US due to the trade wars Trump has initiated. Perhaps instead of chastising others as being incompetent, you focus a little more on yourself and your reading comprehension skills. And while we are on the subject of wasting peopleā€™s timeā€¦perhaps you could check a mirror with about 99% of your posts.

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I was trying to find an article from a couple days ago. It explained that the number of soybeans worldwide hasnā€™t change (the pie). Different countries are taking different parts of the pie.

Those who were buying from the US are buying a different place. The people who were buying the different place are now buying from the US. The overall effect was everyone is still getting their share of the pie. Those selling are still selling the same amount of the pie. US producers were seeing a small increase in the price they were selling for.

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Is your contention that US soybean exports have remained flat or grown, as opposed to decreased this year?

exports were down, but picking up and a higher price for them

Iā€™ll try and find the article again.

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If you can that would be appreciated. Most of what I am reading is pointing to a fairly substantial decline in soybean exports. But not all of it being related to the current Chinese decision to seek soybeans from elsewhere. The data from these moves will likely not be fully available for a few months.