China lied, more than 75,000 will die in the US and hundreds of thousands around the world

“Intentionally deceived” is more accurate. They Dishonored only themselves.

It was a crazy move.

Did they think nobody would check and hold them responsible?

I really don’t think they care about being outed, they got what the wanted.

China didn’t suffer alone in the loss of productivity/GDP and get’s a two month head start on getting their production back up over most of the Industrialized world.

If we hold our ground demanding reparations along with the other major powers along with pulling out most manufacturing they’ll learn a painful lesson.

It all depends on how big of a hold, how many politicians have been paid off here and globally.

Remember the Political Class gets away with such things as insider trading based on classified intel all the time when we’d all end up in prison for years or even decades for doing the same.

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Nope…I’m hearing these arguments on these very boards.

It’s no worse than the flu
We didn’t need to shut down
It just kills those who are going to die anyway

I can post quotes if I need to.

It’s not my problem that depending on what political point you’re trying to score, you morph your argument from “This was the most serious thing in the world” to “We majorly overreacted to just the flu”.

That inconsistency is your issue, not mine.

Who said that?

I think this was too big for it to be business as usual for the political class and China.

We all felt vulnerable without PPE and medication domestic production.

Because it’s from 2018?

No those are YOUR fabrications quoted and preserved for posterity.

You said one of them yourself.

“90% of those who died were old and/or had underlying conditions”.

YOU said this one yourself too.

“This hasn’t killed as many as the flu”.

These aren’t my arguments- they are yours.

You want to have it both ways depending on what ■■■■■■■■ political point you’re trying to push.

Certainly not the TDS sufferers here.

So far, nobody has.

All your arguments…not mine.

Nothing to blame China for…it was just the flu…it was just killing those on their last legs…and we panicked.


And how did we get that Unemployment rate? I have a question for a long time bugging me. After China told the WHO the virus was not contagious they stopped all domestic travel from Wuhan, but delayed to do the same internationally for a month. Why?

I am not sure if they can explain that one, and if I was a conspiracy theorist (Which I am not) that would be like winning the golden ticket :ticket: to the Willy Wonka factory. This whole thing stinks with CCP deception and not only lies but deadly lies that have is crushing the worlds economy.

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Who cares?

It’s just the flu. It only kills the old and infirm. We could have protected them and gone about our business, and whichever of them died, well…the next flu was likely taking them out.

But seriously…our intelligence knew China was lying and they briefed the President.

Or tried to.

What China did was the epitome of ■■■■■■ , and they should be held to account…but we were also caught flat-footed.

And the WHO is the way it is not because they are in cahoots with China, but because like any international organization, they are toothless because the member nations want them to be toothless.

They didn’t criticize the Congo…the ■■■■■■■ Congo, who scares absolutely NO ONE in the world, for their terrible response to Ebola.

They aren’t going to criticize China…or the US…for that matter.

Because the WHO is what we want them to be.


So you see China as the innocent scapegoat and Tump as the villain in the coronavirus issue. That explains the US. Does France, Italy, Spain, Algeria, Uzbekestan, and every other country in the world have their own non China villain?

Did China handle this honestly and forthrightly and do everything they could? If so, why do they not allow WHO and Australia to help trace back the origins of this virus?

I have heard the left complain of anyone who didn’t want maximum sanctions against Russia as “comrade”. The treatment of much of the left towards China is disgraceful…all because they are afraid it will diffuse some of the hatred they want to build up against Trump.

And you would be fighting back against such arguments where you saw them as meant to diffuse hatred of Trump. Not so much China.

Are you saying 20 million Chinese died?

Man did the point I was making go WHOOSH right over your head.

Hint…I’m not defending China.

I understand all that I am not referring to the wrongs or rights of the W.H.O. The answer I have been searching for was why after China knew the virus was contagious did they tell the W.HO. it wasn’t and then locked down Wuhan, not allowing anyone to leave the city by foot, car, or plane but they still allowed people to leave internationally for over a month?

It seems like and important missing piece of the puzzle, or perhaps I just haven’t ran across the answer yet.