China about to strike Taiwan

No, China has wanted Taiwan back since Chiang Kai Shek fled there in 1949. The semi conductors are a nice bonus

Taiwan’s industry will take (or receive from the govt) a poison pill before Taiwan capitulates to mainland.

But I think it’s all theater and sword rattling anyhow. The people are fine as-is. They have alot of trade. They share some common culture. The incursions into Taiwan space is just for show.

That’s my opinion.


It would take down everyone simultaneously.

It’s not a bad idea though. Sort of like the Russian’s Dead Hand system.

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It’s in fulfillment of the One China policy. It’s the guiding principle behind Mainland policy in regards to Taiwan.

Both sides’ constitutions specifically state that there is only One China. Not two. There can never be two. It’s always been that way there.

To the mainland, Taiwan is a renegade province.

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I sure hope that you are correct, but if China is serious about 9 Dash, they have to occupy Taiwan.

Do we have a treaty with anyone these days? We have the One Horse Dog Faced Pony Soldier living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as a storefront president

CCP Panda huggers feel the same way

Must you ruin every thread with this shtick?

Do we have any treaties, Mr. pig? Treaties and promises are made to be broken.

As for the One Horse Dog Faced Pony Soldier, I am sorry his moniker is not satisfactory to your standards. I really wish Mr. Trump was still residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. We would be in better economic shape and Taiwan would breather a little easier. I am not sure President Xi Jinping would be thrilled.

I am sorry you were unhappy with that name. Stumblin Joe actually named himself in his own words.

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So… yes. You must ruin every thread with this shtick. It’s a shame, really.

Sir, I am not ruining anything. A name is a name. Stumblin Joe knows how to break promises. I am sure he is atune with breaking treaties.

Hope Taiwan will still have it’s freedom. Free Tibet, Free Hong Kong, cancel
Uyghurs slave labor.


How did that ruin it for you?

Pointing out Biden is a CCP puppet is a prime component of the thread.


You have to admit, it’s a lot more awkward than “Orange Man” or “Dumph.” :wink:


You don’t get to declare the thread ruined for anyone other than yourself.

Seems like you have two choices. Ignore it or leave. There is a safe haven forum just for that purpose.



No problem with fat Donald or Orange man shtick.


I love the smell of scorched Earth in the morning…


I didn’t care for that either, and you won’t find a post from me engaging in that childish behavior.

The one I absolutely detested the most: “Cheeto Jesus”. :roll_eyes:

A time honored strategic and tactical choice.

I don’t know if the micro processor issue is as dire as others in this thread say it is, but if so, this would be a legitimate deterrent.

The green energy fantasy will require semiconductors and rare earth metals. These resources will replace wars for oil.

Same ■■■■ different century.