War game suggests Chinese invasion of Taiwan would fail at a huge cost to US, Chinese and Taiwanese militaries


Now there’s a plan!

What does Zelensky think?

Then how does China “fail”?

Wow. People still thinking China will use military force to take Taiwan.

is your google broke?

Inside stuff.

From what I see, the Pentagon realizes that time is not on our side, but starting a war now is not a good option either.

China can grow much stronger relative to the US if it diverts even a small portion of its enormous industrial output into military capacity. At the same time, the Pentagon realizes that the US has already exhausted its weapons stocks in Ukraine and is likely to lose badly if we provoke a war with China now that it has de facto alliance with Russia.

Negotiation and peaceful coexistence are the logical policies, but they are anathemas to neocons. American world domination is an article of faith they are not willing to abandon.

It looks like the US backing away from open support for Taiwan independence. I suspect that the growing recognition that the US would lose a war with China is a factor as well as the politics within Taiwan.

I’m from the government and I’ve got a great idea. Let’s send our manufacturing over to China. Then…if a war should happen, their war machine building capability has increased and ours has diminished. Then…as a distraction, while they’re polluting at levels much, much, much higher than if manufactured here…we can yell about man made global warming. I mean…if there really are 81 million Brandonites among us, they’ll be yelling the loudest…I’m sure.

I would not be surprised in the we see more examples of “President Biden does not speak for the White House.”

Biden has said that the US would defend Taiwan, and Taiwan independence is up to the people of Taiwan.

Is there any way they are not putting remote off switches on that solar crap they’re selling us?

I would.

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Taxes and tariffs on ChiCom goods was the Trump doctrine. J’Biden lifted that so as to not disrupt his family’s corrupt cash flow. (IMHO)
The US doesn’t need to risk a costly war with the communist regime in China. Disrupting their economy
has the potential to do more damage. Again, IMHO

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The truth is still the truth no matter who gets their feelings hurt.

When did that happen?

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Oops, I’m admittedly misinformed.
The Trump era tariffs are currently “under review”
I stand corrected…


The US will spend $778B this year on our military.
China will spend a estimated $252B this year on their military.
Nuff said.

The huge US defense budget is simply a monument to corruption and inefficiency.

Four decades of offshoring mean that China’s steel production is ten times that of the US. China’s shipbuilding capacity is 50 times greater. US defense contractors rely on many components from China. Waging war in the Pacific only makes sense if the objective is the destruction of the US.

Fortunately, a pro-China party is moving up in the polls in Taiwan. If the choice is a Ukraine-style war or a peaceful resolution, Taiwan’s voters are choosing peace. There are no US-backed neo-Nazi paramilitaries to enforce the dictates from Washington, so peace has a real chance.

If there is one thing that history has taught us is the the USA can turn on production when the need arises.
I have been dealing with China since the 1970’s. Some times with party members. And I can assure you that China has no impressions of military superiority.