Children of US troops born overseas will no longer get automatic American citizenship, Trump administration says

A competent administration would not be issuing policy that needs frequent updates and explanation… Why is it necessary to change the policy?

Fake TDS news agencies will twist even the clearest press release from a competent WH, to impugn the object of their rejection. Blame the incompetent fake news source you relied on.

Here is an example of the problem they are trying to solve… The guy only served 27 years and didn’t complete the adoption of his daughter because he was in Afghanistan…

Is it normal for a Director of USCIS to have to rush to twitter to explain to military leaders and the foreign diplomatic core a policy change? DOD officials were confused, what news source should they be reading?

If you knew a thing or two about the Military life – or even just DEERS – you wouldn’t be fainting all over the room over this, but Orange Man Bad. :rofl:



DOD officers are always confused. It’s part of being an officer.


See what it said:

“The Trump administration on Wednesday briefly sparked confusion when it issued updated policy guidance saying some children of U.S. government employees and service members who live abroad may not be considered to be residing in the U.S.”.

It was the Trump’s administration fault.

Have you read the bulletin? It said otherwise.

This thread is another example of distorting the truth. The title of the thread says it’s according to the Trump Administration but the truth is;

according to policy alert issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on Wednesday.

Why not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Ken (Statue of Liberty) Cuccinelli is the Acting Director of USCIS… He was appointed by Trump… He is the administration… That’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…

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Yeah…I know.

Then why are you claiming the thread title is distorting the truth?

…because it is.

LOL… Why does the Trump administration feel it’s necessary to change this policy?

The Trump Administration covers a whole host of agencies that are overseen by Trump appointees.

Why is pretty much your only contribution to the forum anymore visiting thread topics you don’t like and pretending reality doesn’t exist? Time after time I see you do it and it doesn’t matter how many facts are provided to you or how often you are proven wrong. What is the point?

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The point is I do not like misrepresentations, distortions, mischaracterizations, things taken out of context, lies and liars.

Yet you like trump.


If you read the Fox report on the policy change, indstead of fake news whose aim is to sow anxiety concerning the Trump administration, it would be clear. The provisions as they stood conflicted with provisions in other acts, and the changes were made to bring all the policies into unity.

I agree…he does the same…but on a level that’s so elementary…and on things that I consider mostly meaningless…like crowd sizes. I do wish though…he wouldn’t. In many people’s eyes…he’d rise in the level of respect that we have for the President and the office of…the President.

I kept reading the thread, hoping to find SOMEONE who brought this up.

It took until the 37th post after the whole dogpile of TDS libs massaged each others’ outrage.

The headline is a lie. The quoted tweets are lies. The outrage is built on a lie.

TDS does that to people.