Children in Florida school encouraged to write graffiti on bathroom walls

And teachers are part of the public.

No its not.

see: Chapter 806 Section 13 - 2018 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate

Also see:

Vandalism is an offense that occurs when a person destroys or defaces someone else’s property without permission. … While vandalism may be considered “art” by some, it’s nonetheless a crime against property that is punishable by jail time, monetary fines, or both.

Where is the evidence the school got permission from the school board to move forward with the project?

I really hope not, but I imagine there are.

So, what you are now saying is the teachers at the school violated the law by giving permission which they had not authority to give?


Post the law you claim they violated.

This thread is still going? Really?

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Already did. Pay attention!


No you didn’t. You claim they don’t have the authority to give permission. Post the law that says so.

Amazing, isn’t it.

Now we know the people who complain about kid lemonade stands operating without permits.


Do you honestly think the teachers did not have permission from the administration? You think this caught the administration by surprise?

It appears you will say anything to avoid being wrong. Let everyone reading this thread observe and remember.

Yes I did. Pay attention.

Well they already went after AOC for dancing and having fun in college. So I supppse that we have this thread shouldn’t be too surprising.

Incorrect. You’ve not posted anything indicating that the principal and teachers aren’t allowed to paint the walls of their school.

Do you know what delegated authority is?

I find it hilariously entertaining! Inspirational messages to students is attacked as liberal vandalism.

I used to say it jokingly, but it’s becoming more true, that I think many cons would be a lot happier in a place like North Korea.

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I already explained what this is really about here


you are not paying attention. Where is the evidence the employees at the school got permission from the School Board to move forward with this “project”? Try paying attention.


When you have a thread that is nearly 200 posts long and literally no one on this forum is supporting your position, its time to rethink your position.

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What is the evidence that they needed permission from the school board to paint the walls?