Child Separation Master Persuader response to Democrat Resist movement

Did he cave, or did he force the Media to report its the law.

Before this, they claimed he could fix it with an EO.

Now that he did the EO, they are hopping made he is breaking the law.

Seems like Trump forced them to reveal themselves once more.

What do you think will happen to funding for the wall if Republicans lose control of Congress in November.

Trump should take the $1.6B that was offered to him and go from there.

I am a real conservative…or a Konssurvative if it pisses you off. And the only reason you guys support Trump is because he speaks about things in a way you only wish you could. Like firing those sons a bitches (NFL players)

Incorrect. Perhaps you didn’t notice, Trump rolled back regulations far greater than any other president in US history. That’s why the economy is booming, not the tax cuts (but they certainly help fund the growth).

He saved the 2nd and 1st Amendment (for Christians).

Progressives had both on the ropes.

And Immigration, Democrats are wanting to do to the US what they accomplished in California, turn it blue with illegal votes. These folks are still socialists and they would make the US Venezuala in short order if allowed to run things.

That’s why the LEFT hates the “melting pot”, it washes the stupidity out of immigrants when they see this is the land of freedom and opportunity, not Utopian promises that result in totalitarian poverty.

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Which regulations are you referring to?

I’m sorry but anyone who thinks Trump is conservative has no credibility whatsoever.

If you are liberal, why aren’t you loving everything he does?

Because I’m not a liberal. I’m an actual conservative. Something that is anathema to the likes of Trump.


I said “if you are liberal” I didn’t say you were liberal.

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See That’s your problem right there.

"He saved the 2nd and 1st amendment (for Christians). Your quote…you can’t disown it.

Why is it that you think he saved it only for Christians? What about every other religion that is able to thrive here because of the 1st amendment? Huh? No Trump only did it for the Christians.

Facts don’t matter to leftists, there is only the agenda for power, they will climb on anyone’s back to get there, including Jesus and children.

No one is refusing children help.

So did Trump wait til the establishment negotiated with him?

They’ve been discussing and negotiating over immigration reform and border security since he took office.

They aren’t ready to do anything. Its a game, they vote for bills when they know they won’t pass etc.

Trump is winning hearts and minds, it just takes time. Check out his June 20th tweet starring Hillary and Obama^tfw

The ads write themselves…

Trump administration’s ‘zero tolerance’ border prosecutions led to time served, $10 fees

All of this, separating children, lawsuits, executive orders for time served and $10 fines…

So, I’m a bit confused. Before Trump started all this, there was an impasse in Congress over immigration. Now, there is an impasse in Congress over immigration.

What exactly was it that Trump “persuaded” Congress to do? I’d appreciate it if anyone could clear that one up for me…

I agree, it doesn’t appear to be working. I had higher hopes when I posted the OP. However, its too soon to say it won’t work at all. Congress might yet act.

But, the hysteria that I hoped would burn the asses of Congress, was instead ballooning out of control as rabid leftists became even more deranged by the hour, and violence was breaking out.

If allowed to continue there would be more mass killings by crazed Bernie supporters.

So Trump defused it with a useless EO. Everyone on the right said it would be a useless EO but the left ignored that. Once he signed it, now the left is screaming its a useless EO.

They are deranged, past being reasoned with. I think its time defense end, Trump go on the offense and begin jailing the deranged, and the crooks like Hillary. Its time to confront the madness head on.

I just wanted to highlight this. This sounds like something i would write.

It’s pretty amazing.

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We’re likely reacting to the brown shirt bullies, the Stalinists who demand all opposing voices be silenced. The commandeer twitter and make themselves seem more representative of America than the nutball fringe the really are.

But I had second thoughts after I posted. It would be left the lunatics burn themselves out . They constantly leap headlong into the next delusion, which blows up after a few days when its revealed to be fake news, one wonders how long they can emotionally stay deranged.

One would think burnout would set it after a time, reality might seep in as Trump remains standing unscathed by the latest attack that should have taken him down.

But they seem just as deranged as they were on inauguration, or a year later howling at the sky.

It might get very violent they get prosecuted for their assaulting peaceful citizens.