DemoRepublican Swine feasting on $$$ for cheap labor have managed to stop Trump’s wall so far.
A master persuader doesn’t get pushed around by such corrupt mental midgets. When they refuse to negotiate to fix problems with immigration, he changes the paradigm.
Just as Trump brought the Wall into everyone’s mind, so now it he documenting why we need it, via outcry about children being separated from their parents.
Emotion, visual persuasion, simplicity and constant repetition will make the “plight” of these children paramount in everyone’s mind. Everyone, Democrats and Republicans demand will demand “get it fixed”.
The establishment rarely fixes money generating problems, it ends the cash flow. Proof of that, when Democrats had a super majority they could have easily rammed through any open border law they wanted, Obama would have signed it.
But they did nothing on immagration, that would have ended it as an vote getting issue.
Same with Child separation. Trump’s immigration deal closing all the loopholes, fixing DACCA would fix child separation also, but that would end the vote getting and $$$ from Kstreet.
To overcome that, Trump has created a visible crisis that will consume the media 24/7 and generate a tsunami of demand “it get fixed.”
Trump just needs to wait till the establishment is compelled to negotiate with him and fix the problem.
That will happen soon.
Trump the Master Persuader, is overcoming the pigs of Kstreet, the DemoRepublican party.