Cherokee Nation to appoint delegate to US House of Representatives

Interesting seeing tribes starting to assert the rights from treaties of the past…

Better centuries late than never. lol

Is it elizabeth warren?


Nah… She is busy being Senator from Massachusetts and a top presidential candidate…

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When the treaty was signed, their membership wasn’t allowed to vote.

They can now vote. They have their representation in the house as well as the senate.

They don’t need an extra person there.

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This is a good podcast that is about the Cherokee nation and the current supreme court fight that will determine the fate of the Five tribes and who has control over about half the land in Oklahoma.

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Irrelevant, the US signed a treaty and now they have to honor it.

But doesn’t surprise me some would object to this.

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The Cherokee Nation is a separate sovereign. So the treaty should still stand.

Ooh! A podcast! :clap: :clap:

that will determine the fate of the Five tribes


No “they” don’t.

I’d like to see some reservations get some overhauls. Hopefully this can help. Will their reps be of their own party, or will they get swallowed up by the two party system?

Living Constitution! It’s not the wild west anymore! The Final Arbiters!

I have no reservations.

:rofl: no it isn’t.

Yellowstone must be more popular than I thought.

Its a treaty, not a constitution.

To be fair… the US has ignored the treaty since the day it was written. The Cherokee got screwed.

I support them finally trying to use any lever of power that they can to protect themselves.

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I will simply stick with my previously enunciated views regarding Native Americans.


Yeah, they trusted Centgov. The same thing you © demand I do.

Protect themselves from what?

You are cheering a sovereign citizen community inside the boundaries of but outside the jurisdiction of. How about we give that to the ranchers?

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Sexual violence and human trafficking for one thing.

Native American women are 10 times more likely to be murdered than non-Native. There are a bunch of similar statistics, but one that I find curious is that typically the victim and perpetrator of sexual violence are the same ethnicity, but 86% of perpetrators of violence against native women are non-native.

One component is this is that tribal courts on reservations can not prosecute assaults committed by non-tribal members. Un-equal protection under the law is REQUIRED by U.S. law. (Its no surprise that this de jure inequality is to the disadvantage of the Native Americans.) The DOJ declined to prosecute 67% of the sexual assault cases referred to it.
There are various work-arounds, like the Tribal Law and Order Act and provisions of the Violence Against Women Act. But both of these requrire periodic renewal. (“Let’s make justice less unequal. But only for little bit. If equality works out, we’ll renew it. If not, we’ll go back to inequality.” is a weird thing for the US congress to say about justice.)
The Tribal Law and Order Act created DOJ liaisons for each reservation, but the funding for new DOJ lawyers didn’t happen. Liaison-ing was added to the job of already overworked lawers (i.e. nothing got done.)
The provisions of the Violence Against Women Act that effect Native Americans are tied up with other groups, so that disagreements over protections for transgender or illegal immigrant victims are joined with protections for aboriginal victims. The current reauthorization bill passed the House and is sitting in the Senate, where leadership has said it will sit and sit and sit. Concern over trangender issues? Immigration issues? GOP Senate trolling the Dem House? Racism against Native Americans? What ever the reason for this inaction, the current re-authorization of the Act will expire on Dec. 21, bringing us back to the situation where native victims have less protection from the law than non-natives.

I don’t know of any law that says “the accused isn’t a rancher, we can’t prosecute them.”

That is only one of the situations where the tribes need to protect themselves.

link: Legislative Update – 116th Congress (2019-2020) | Indian Law Resource Center

Side rant:

Sen. Warren is an ass. As a sitting senator, she has not been railing against McConnell to bring the VAWA Reauthorization to a vote. Instead she introduced a bill to strip Congressional Medals of Honor from US soldiers at Wounded Knee. She’s more interested in stripping medals from long dead soldiers than she is in getting legal protection for living people.

Sen. Warren is an ass.