Chelsea Clinton hints at a run for office

Web Hubbell would be so proud of his little girl.

Well a scenario would be a new president gets into office and gets us into new wars, remember the Iraq war? To me that’s worse than a Twitter potty mouth president.

Only in the minds of Clinton haters. I never think about them anymore.


Walden is the U.S. flagship of Laureate Education, which paid “honorary chancellor” Bill Clinton $17.6 million over five years before he stepped down in 2015 just ahead of wife Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign run.

I’m not defending Hillary in this thread nor am I rationalizing trumps behavior like you are. But I’m glad that you admit Hillary is your standard

Not the standard. But the precedent. And the only other choice in 2016.

You keep impugning Chelsea Clinton’s intelligence. On what are you basing your assessment?

Yes, but the problem for Chelsea is, that in a match up against a Republican, she is Hillary. :wink:


There’s an app for that.



I’ve wondered if Chelsea knows that or has been lied to about it.

You are probably right. The right would demand that she take a DNA test to prove that she is not Webb Hubble’s daughter and neither she nor her parents (both real and alleged) would want to take that chance. :wink:

Webb Hubble

Three words: Clinton Foundation and Haiti

She not only has the stomach for it, she has the heritage.

Thank goodness - I was afraid Trumpistan would lose its first best boogeyman if they didn’t have a Clinton to spook the MAGAmob with. Maxine Waters has been a weak substitute.

There you go again … trying to shift the subject to Trump.

It can’t be helped, Donald defies political gravity.

haha. thanks sir

i prefer the king’s english to convey the message

although sometimes the emoji nails it home

post on friend

Only to liberals who are still butt-hurting from the election. Most people, regardless of the shock they experience, get through the five stages of grieving in a year or less. You guys are still stuck on stage two … anger.