Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys want “European Army”

You can parse it anyway you like, the fact is, most European countries (and Canada) are not fulfilling their NATO obligations to provide for the security of the NATO Nations.

So when do we invade? :wink:

Article V has been invoked once.

Those nations provided.

And I think other than Finland and maybe one or two other countries, none of them have paid back the debt of our support (primarily with arms and supplies) that made their “providing” possible.

Canada should spend more we should make the 2%.

but our military is small by design we are specialize in small unit structure forces on combat and localized training though peacekeeping missions.

There is no NATO debt.

every single NATO nation took part in the war in Afghanistan,

Finland isn’t part of NATO.

There is not “Debt” with NATO its not a military its a command system, countries are required to spend 2% GDP on their own military.

It has been explained to people ad naseum.

I just can’t for the life of understand why it hasn’t sunk in.

You can’t expect small countries to provide combat troop, maybe a few hundred or maybe a thousands but they also provide intelligence, transportation routes, etc.

Maybe they force on training, or special operation, maybe they have airport that can be used for fueling, maybe they have land routes that can be used to run supplies.

that is what NATO is a logistic hive-mind

America is the only country to invoke Article V and Canada showed up, we buried 159 heroes.

And people act like the US gets no benefit out of that.

The United States has at it’s call nearly half of the world’s military with full logistical support and integrated command structure.

It’s crazy when you actually think of it.

Its insane that you think about it, everything is worked out so that their will be no need for debate or agruement the command system down from 4 star general to the fresh private is set, the intelligence chain is set all within a few hours.

Yeah… we get no benefit from that whatsoever.

Ya it suck having 20 + nation having intelligent officers all over the world all collecting information on terrorism and threat to NATO is a horrible idea, should leave. :laughing:

WWII debt.

I was referring to WWII.

Wait. Now you are complaining about a different debt?


There is no WWII debt.

There is no WWII debt, that isn’t how war work, Europe was in ruin and needed help and America help them and Europe thank you for that every single years from now till the end of time.

there is no debt.