Change My Mind - Abolish IRS, Establish Fair Tax

I support our Constitution and its documented legislative intent.

The apportioned direct tax mentioned above was used a number of times, e.g.:

The Act of July 14, 1798, c. 75, 1 Stat. 53. This act imposed a tax upon real estate and a capitation tax upon slaves.

The Act of Aug. 2, 1813, c. 37, 3 id. 53. By this act the tax was imposed upon real estate and slaves, according to their respective values in money.

The Act of Jan. 19, 1815, c. 21, id. 164. This act imposed the tax upon the same descriptions of property, and in like manner as the preceding act.

The Act of Feb. 27, 1815, c. 60, id. 216, applied to the District of Columbia the provisions of the Act of Jan. 19, 1815.

The Act of Aug. 5, 1861, c. 45, 12 id. 294, required the tax to be levied wholly on real estate.

Look, I can only provide you with historical documentation confirming the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment would re-establish the intentions and beliefs under which the various States ratified the Constitution.


Why have a written constitution, approved by the people, if those who it is meant to control are free to make it mean whatever they wish it to mean?

I understand that is my point nothing changes with his plan.

Which changes nothing from what is done today. Need more money raise taxes.

It’s not 87k it’s agents.

A better simpler plan is to tax all income the same.

We could lower the rebates significantly and simplify the tax code if we just did that.

I am sure you won’t mind when your 401k takes a huge hit. The difference between capital gains and income is risk, there will be far fewer people willing to take that risk at such an elevated rate. I know I would ditch my entire portfolio

You’re right…it’s 80 billion for IRS for 87 thousand extra agents.

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And do what with your money?

Invest in private business and real estate or just sit on the cash

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But it most certainly does change what is done today.

The Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment requires each State’s Congressional Delegation to return home with a bill in hand for their State’s apportioned share to extinguish a deficiency from imposts, duties and excise taxes. And it creates a very real moment of accountability when each member of Congress must explain to their immediate constituents why they, while in Washington, could not live within the means brought in from imposts duties and excise taxes and an additional tax must now be collected from them.

We need to get that moment of real accountability back and have each member of Congress explain to their immediate constituents, Governor and State Legislature why they have brought home a bill to their State to pay an apportioned tax because they were unable to live within the means of federal imposts, duties and excise taxes (indirect taxes).


They aren’t agents.

It’s over ten years during which they expect about 70(I think)k retirements. It returns the irs to pre covid levels of staffing.

I can post the facts when I get to a computer.

The returns on which would be taxed the same as all income.

The retirements were already budgeted for. Try again.

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Oh they have to go home and give them a bill. Ground breaking. That will change everything.:roll_eyes:

Then just sit on the cash or hold the real estate until the backlash from the market tanking forces them to change it back. I am not taking market risk at the top marginal rate. The market would have to grow 37% just to break even. Wealthy people don’t have to invest, they already have money

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Than why do they need more money? Use the wages that’s retiring to new employees…but I guess it’s nice talking point/deflection.

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I doubt the Governor of a State, or its Legislature, will be happy when their state treasury must be drained because of Congress’ irresponsible spending and borrowing practices. I kind of think they will jealously guard their state’s treasury, and act to have their state’s irresponsible members of Congress removed from office.

Even the “Fair Tax” requires the IRS (or an equivalent agency) to administer and enforce it.

States all ready send them money. Try again.