Census Citizenship Question

Good question.

“I’m not a lawyer, so it wasn’t fair of me to be giving him legal advice,” Tillerson said. “But I knew a bit about immigration laws. And so on occasion I would have to say to him: Well, we can’t do it that way. And I think I said… It’s going to get challenged in the court and you’re going to lose. And in some cases he’d say: Well, that’s… crazy.”

“I hate to tell you this Mr. President, but the odds are not good that your Daughter will be president”.

The former secretary of state told congressional staffers in his interview that, in general, he tried to educate the president on various topics through the inter-agency briefing process, but largely failed due to the fact that the president refused to read the materials prepared for him.

That must have been before Trump’s staff figured out that they had to explain things to him using pictures.

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I’m sorry, but do any Trump supporters want to discuss that fact that the President of the United States is willing to delay the CENSUS, because he didn’t get his way in court today. How ■■■■■■ up is that?


Fat donald is pissing on the constitution.

I’m sure Trump supporters will find another Trumpsplanation to excuse his behavior/ignorance. I mean, it’s only the Consititution… who cares, right?

Once upon a time conservatives were proud to call themselves Constitutionalists. It is unfortunate that we have a president who doesn’t have a clue about what the Constitution is and what it stands for.

Forgive my ignorance on this, but doesn’t the constitution lay out the timeframe on which a census is to be conducted?

Every ten years. The last one was done in 2010. So this census must be completed by the end of 2020.
I worked for the 2010 census. It started early in the year with the first part being those housed on military bases. The bulk of the private sector starts in the spring and in 2010 was completed by the end of July.
The rest of the year was for the tabulation process.

The printing firm (R.R. Donnelley & Sons) has been contracted to print the 130 million paper questionnaires, letters and other mailings. It is understandable that they have said that the final draft of the questionnaire must be in their hands by the end of this month. The taxpayer tab for these printing services will be $114.6 million. Now I am sure that a delay can be dealt with, but at what additional funding? But hey, maybe Trump will get Mexico to pay for it.

The next SC session starts in Oct. 30th, so fat donald doesn’t have any time to delay.

Good point. And perhaps the first thing the Lawyers will tell him.

When I was in college I worked for a telemarketing firm and we sent out mailings to people every day. On a busy day we’d do 2000 a day. So if that company is around they could do the order. In about 65,000 days. So 178 years. Why do these R.R. Donnelley & Sons slackers need so much time?

Next tweet is about him looking into declaring a special session of the Supreme Court.:grinning:

It cant be delayed. President has no power to delay it.

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But don’t you think he could delay the printing of the forms? It sounds like he wants to stop the presses until he can get the SCOTUS to change their ruling.

He can try but I don’t think a court would let him

Damn them and their indecisive decisions

It must drive him bonkers when he doesn’t get his way.

Trump is a ■■■■ sucking fool. If he has two brain cells I will eat my computer. He isn’t a conservative. He isn’t a Republican. He is a carpetbagger and a nut case.