Census Bureau Report on 2019 Household Income

It’s way higher. Very strongly higher. Some people are saying it’s the highest in a very long time.

Did somebody shut the country down in 2010?

No, 2008…ish

The country wasn’t shut down in 2008. I was here.

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The economy crashed like it was

No it didn’t and it wasn’t. This was a deliberate shutting down of a machine running at max efficiency.

Anyway, this thread isn’t about what Obama did or didn’t do.

Yes it was. Outcomes were similar between 2008 and 2020.

No, it wasn’t. In 2020 the government shut the machine down. Against the President’s advice.


And in 2008, the machine crashed. Outcomes were similar.


Apparently, it kinda is:

This is an oft repeated trope: that Republican administrations are better for the economy then Democrat administrations. Is that true? A simple Web search for “are republican or democratic presidents better for the economy?” returns consistent results saying that it isn’t. Personally, I think there are many factors more important than who sits in the White House. But I didn’t bring it up.

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No mention of Obama.

Look at Congress.

President Trump of course is an anomaly.

The most common Democratic rebuttal to “Trump has built a great economy!” is “…by taking over a pretty great one from Obama.” Either the President has a great deal of influence over the economy, or he doesn’t. Which is it?

Only by omission

It is clear Trump has been better on economic policy than the past 2 administration’s.

I am cutting Clinton a lot of slack. He was lucky. Trump is that good.

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Please, one percenters cleaned up under Obama.

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That’s terrible. I’m glad I voted against Obama twice. So is it better or worse for you when one percenters get even more filthy rich under Obama or Trump? For me it’s worse now just because so many more people are unemployed and getting evicted while the 1% profit.

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A. I am a one percenter on income, not wealth, so you understand my bias.
B. How much someone else makes is irrelevant.
C. The stock market is not the only measure of a healthy economy and even less so when it’s being propped up by the fed.

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you will follow up next year with 2020 stats.

And blame President Biden.


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