CDC holds emergency meeting June 18 in response to reports of alarming vaccine reactions

The Mayo Clinic says

Get your vaccines. Stay up to date on the recommended vaccines, including those that protect against rubella and influenza — diseases that can cause myocarditis


Aka covid could be a cause of myocarditis


Simple math does not show this because we don’t have the data.

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It is a cause.

We know this.

That doesn’t mean the odds are lower if one is not vaxxed.

The vaccine is safer than the virus.

Even with the side effects… the incidence of all of these concerns is higher with the virus… even in children.

That’s not how one assesses risk.

In the current vaccine environment what are the odds an unvaxxed 16-24 yo will a) contract COVID and b) get myocarditis?

If less than the odds of getting vaxxed and developing myocarditis, they shouldn’t get vaxxed.

Most of the vaccine-related myocarditis appears to come after the second shot, and many of those may already have survived a COVID infection.

Early tests with an experimental SARS vaccination showed a dangerous immune response when vaccinated animals were exposed to the virus. A similar situation may be going on as result of multiple exposures to COVID and COVID vaccines.

Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology on challenge with the SARS virus - PubMed (

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We know that between 1% - 2% of children who contract Covid get hospitalized. This is using data from a year ago… so that may have changed.

What has been seen in a subset of children… hospitalized and not hospitalized who have contracted covid is Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children. That syndrome includes myocarditis.

MIS-C happens at a higher rate in unvaccinated children who have contracted covid than those who have received the vaccine.

They are vaccinating young people with two doses even if they have already had the virus, and most of the vaccine-related heart problems come after the second dose.

I suspect that a detailed analysis would show that the risks associated with the second shot outweigh the likely benefits in healthy young men. That is probably especially true if they have already had COVID.

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That may indeed be the case.

And they will change the protocol accordingly.

But this is still less rare than what happens from contracting covid.

Has Tucker addressed whether he’s gotten the vaccine or not, yet?

pretty much the same questions i asked. i have 6 kids (all grown), if they weren’t, I’d wait for the science. I wouldn’t rule it out, but I would wait.

science please.


What freaken difference does it make?



His listeners would like to know if he’s a hypocrite.

The rest of us would like confirmation of same.

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i suspect because of memory cells 1 shot is all anyone really “needs”. while true that more will get covid with only one, the cases of that show the vast majority have very mild symptoms. i suspect that the incidence of covid once everyone except children either gets vaccinated or gets covid would be low enough that vaccinating children would not be necessary. doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be recommended, just not a necessity. If the science plays out saying its less of a risk, i’d still do it.


Does this hold true for them as well?

We have 4.1. million children vaccinated. The incidence of myocarditis is a little over 200.

3.9 million children have been reported to have had Covid. 308 have died.



A hypocrite? How is someone reporting the news a hypocrite?

If you have a problem with what Tucker has reported, then simply state your objections. Name calling is stupid and adolescent.


anecdotal at best.

what were their ages
what preconditions did they have
what was the treatment
what was their condition before treatment

that’s not science, its not even good math.

not to mention, how many mild or asymptomatic cases were their that we don’t know about? 10M? 20M? 100M?