CDC holds emergency meeting June 18 in response to reports of alarming vaccine reactions

How do you know that?

You don’t know the difference between frequency and severity and you’re trying to discuss risk?

In the 16-24 age range?

You don’t know that.

You’re not assessing risk properly.

apparently the politics of fear is a variable in assessing risk when covid is involved.

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No one knows how to assess risk properly.

I remember John Stossel did a show on this a long time ago about things people got scared of v the actual risk of the thing they were scared of happening

Emotion always plays into it.

But pundits should shut up until the investigation is done.

without pundits the right wouldnt know what to think or say


My guess is your stance on this issue has been influenced by pundits.

Mote meet beam.


i disagree. if not for carlson how many parents would know there was any risk, or even what to ask about?

any parent who refuses to vaccinate their kids,whether its covid,whooping cough,measles or any of the other serious diseases we vaccinate for should be charged with child neglect.

I assume that you aren’t serious and just kicking the beehive here?

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It was reported on the news.

That’s how I found out about it.

those others are proven and time tested. covid vaccine is not. any parent who consents to have a child, who would be extremely low risk in the first place, have an experimental vaccine pumped into them with known serious life threatening side effects without some hesitation is guilty of much worse.

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Tucker is free to express his opinions; he is not giving medical advice.

A better question is where is the medical license of Mark Zuckerberg and the other media oligarchs? They have been taking down and banning content from licensed medical professionals that disagrees with the official narratives promoted in the mainstream media.

The vaccines are non-approved/experimental treatments available in the US under Emergency Use Authorizations.

Informed consent requires that people have easy access to information to make a rational decision, but big tech and government administrators seem to believe that they should be keep you in the dark and make the decisions for you. That approach appears is unethical in my opinion, and it may violate international norms established in the Nuremberg trials for medical experiments.

Nuremberg Code Establishes the Principle of Informed Consent |

The problem is we don’t know what was in the exchange between Tucker and the doctor.

We have only their word that it was “only exchanging ideas and quoting government data”.

And “parents” can find out about this information.

It was reported on the news. With searching one can find more information on it.

How I found out about it.

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The same thing has a chance of happening with those who contract Covid at a much higher rate than with the vaccine

Simple math shows that the vaccine is much safer than the actual virus.

Why a Frozen Chicken Dinner Heir feels the need to make a living scaring people away from getting a vaccine is beyond me

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where is your science to back that up?

People are asking the wrong questions.

  • Viruses are the most common cause of myocarditis. The coronavirus is a cause of myocarditis. COVID-19 is well-documented in causing myocarditis in all age groups well above baseline. There are multiple pediatric and adolescent patients who have died of fulminant COVID-19 myocarditis.

  • Myocarditis is most common in the 20-40 age group and tends to be more symptomatic the younger you are.

  • Younger individuals with vaccine-associated myocarditis tend to have mild cases and fully recover.

The question is: does the COVID vaccine cause clinically significant myocarditis above those who have not been vaccinated without COVID infection, and do the risks of vaccine-related myocarditis outweigh the risks of COVID infection in that population?

I have three kids. If they were in that age group, I’d have them vaccinated without second thought.


Here is a story about a study where they were finding that 15% of college athletes that had Covid, contracted myocardits as an effect.

The risk of this is more real from the virus… especially the variants than from the vaccine.

Simple numbers should show what the rational choice should be.

Could it be the 275 cases are the beginning of countless more to come, and that there is a lag time between the vaccination and inflammation conditions showing up in 16-24 year olds?