Castro Tweets List of Trump Donors

Less then a year ago?


No, there is no putting this back in the box. It’s all but guaranteed to go downhill from here. This is a path we set upon before Trump, he is both a result of it and a cause of it. And we have a long way to march down it yet to go.

That was hard

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If they weren’t trying to hide something candidates would publicize their own donors. It shouldn’t have to be done like some oppo research gotcha.

I wouldn’t have done this, but then how is this more “targeting” then Trump naming names?

No, it’s only bad when the opposition does it…there, now we agree.

You didn’t answer my question.

Is all “demonization” equal? Or not?

Does context matter?

It’s no more and no less “targeting” then what that buffoon does…THAT is the issue.

I said no, it’s only bad when the opposition does it…it’s fine when the good guys on my side do it. See, we’re still in agreement.

Are you unwilling to answer my question in good faith, or unable to?

Hopefully the donors get exactly the response they deserve.

What response do they deserve?

I’m unwilling to converse with those who will defend their favored side for doing what they scorn their opposition for.

Businesses boycotted. Shunned by their families.

Choices have consequences. They made the choice to get in bed with a white nationalist and ignore the horrible things he is doing to our country. Others have the right to make it clear how unacceptable they find that to be.

I would argue that Trump has a larger megaphone and has been at it longer.

Like I said, I wouldn’t have done it, but politics is hardball. Get your © big boy pants on.

In this context © denotes collective or community. Borrowed (plagiarized) from @WuWei

This is why I love the free expression of ideas this great country affords us. It inevitably draws out those icky thoughts people like to hide behind their virtuous facade…like what they think others really deserve.


I agree, Trump has a bigger megaphone and has been at it longer. But, wouldn’t it be nice if we simply called out anyone and everyone for doing the things we scorn him for doing?

Lol this is funny.

The vapors and the paper bag huffing outrage in this thread. :rofl:

And vice versa.

And then when we see their awful thoughts we make them president because they tell it like it is.

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