Castro Drops Out of Presidential Race

I’m sorry, but this thread seems like a complete waste of bandwidth.

what’s in a name, really, but this doesnt surprise me one bit:

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So was Castro.

And it will be fun to watch your orange god shut down this November.

Well that’s quite the childish response.

I’m no fan of Trump but I’m bright enough to know he’s probably going to be reelected with overwhelming numbers in Nov, by a far wider margin than 2016.

Time will tell. And I am bright enough to know that Trump is failing in the polls. And yes it is still early.
But I believe that the turnout numbers will equal or surpass Obama’s numbers. And that will be the end of Trump. Minorities are pissed. And their leaders are saying that they are going to mobilize in big numbers.
And if you have seen anything that Trump has done to increase his base, please tell me. He is underwater in many districts he took in 2016. Like I said, it is early. But you can bookmark this as my statement that he is going down.

Trump is winning where it counts in the battleground states, the rest don’t really matter.

Barring an economic calamity he’s got probably a 90% or better chance at being reelected.

Impeachment has certainly backfired and is only helping him in the states they thought it would hurt him in and it’s fired up the republican base like nothing we’ve seen in forty years.

The best part is the loons the democrats have running for the nomination to challenge him.

As I said, it really is early to tell.
Impeachment has not backfired yet. I think that you know deep down that he is guilty and is a dirty president.
I really have a hard time understanding how some of your guys can support this guy after what he said and did against your guys.
As a Cruz supporter I still can’t square how he or his supporters are so in Trump’s corner after what he said about Cruz’s wife. And all of the backlash that followed. Not to mention the BS statement about his Dad. Maybe my side would do the same. I don’t know. But I have seen the Republican party lose a lot of their core values supporting this man. The GOP has become the party of Trump. And to me it is ugly.
I truly hope that you are not correct that he will win so handily. Because therefore people like you are going to agree that our country is not going to change for the better over the next years.

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I’m not a partisan, I hold him to the same standards I’ve held the rest to.

He’s violated no law, he’s done nothing to abuse his power.

While you democrats are trying to fabricate a crime and abuse of office by him, you excuse and dismiss Biden’s problems with Ukraine.

When you’re calling out hypocrisy be sure to check the mirror.

Good gravy, is that what passes for commentary on this site these days.


Hey, keep up the great work!

The most recent head to head matchups with Biden show Trump winning all the battle ground states except VA and FL where they are in a statistical tie.

I see a hard fight but Trump winning a landslide when it’s all over barring an economic calamity.

Absolutely! I’m counting on the DNC to do just that.

Women are not a minority in this country.


Which ones?

My favorite beverage.

No more old farts and that includes the current bastard in the White House.

The democratic nominee will almost certainly be over sixty and probably over 70.

Even most democrats are not stupid enough to vote for a candidate with no real world experience or wisdom.

His one or two supporters can now go vote for Bernie or something. If Castro and done one more orange man bad in Spanish, he would have had a decent chance.

Mrs Doubtfire’s most memorable moment was when she expressed her curiosity about the durability of Trump’s hair during a blizzard