"Caravan" Border Watch

Legal argument.

Thanks for asking.

I regret voting for Trump now.

So I decided to make myself a blank slate.

I’m learning a lot.

(Just last night RTchoke taught me that global warming is real.)

I don’t know what open borders means.

But I think that the caravan story was a great story.

But now it’s making us look like the bad guys.

So one idea I’ve been trying is WWJD?

I think Jesus would let them in.

I don’t think Jesus would toss tear gas at them.

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“As DHS confirmed weeks ago, there are at least 600 known criminals in the caravan flow,” said Tyler Houlton, a department spokesman. “The fact that Border Patrol arrested a murderer within the first caravan-related apprehensions at our southern border proves how real the threat of the caravan is to our national security and public safety.”

A convicted murderer! Imagine that. Probably just seeking a better life. Hoping for a pardon?

I believe he was caught after crossing. Whoo! That was a close one.

Lol Sneaks, no one believes this lyin’ administration’s made up 500-600 known criminals number.

I would assume that this “convicted murderer” is out on parole and will be sent back to prison?

The pictures I have seen are mostly women and children, I think they are lying.

No. DACA hs been upheld for now.

So…ideological argument.

Looking for an update from Hannity posters bravely fighting the clear and present danger of a foreign horde at our border?

Oh wait, none of you are doing anything about it?

I thought they were dangerous! Weird!

Why do you doubt our intelligence services?

Even Trump hearts Russia over US intelligence.

Looks like another caravan of about 500 arrived day before yesterday. Sorry I missed it.

Now that the invasion has happened and the images came to us from Fox and the networks, which was the most disturbing to you guys? And did the invaders have the artillery you expected?

If you can’t beat em, join em. Buy stock in companies that produce tear gas.

Keep your religious beliefs out of our politics, please.

If your argument is,

Gang members are throwing kids at the wall

Or that kid might become a Nazi some day

Or we would have lost World War 2

So let’s use tear gas on that barefoot kid,

Then I disagree.

Thanks, Doug.

This has been a good conversation.

I think I learned something.


Moreover, between April 19 and September 30, Border Patrol agents separated 507 illegal aliens from their purported family units, including those in 170 “families” in which “parents” and “children” were not related. Among them, 197 adults and 139 juveniles tried to lie their way into America by pretending to be kin.

More on the use of children as props.

This isn’t about asylum, it’s about living in the US.

Oh in that case, yes, it is a fantastic idea

To use tear gas on children.

Like religious beliefs were kept out of gay marriage debates and the like, of course.

When did we decide this became a rule?

To the point where mods actually deleted posts with religious/political arguments?

If this is a new rule, can we see it listed somewhere?

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