Canadian truckers’ ‘Freedom Convoy'

No no no no no no no.

That is not how it works.

Really. Where are you getting this?

I drove past a convoy yesterday, it was around fifty miles long.


Somebody thinks they’re coming…


Stealth mode?

Just go back to school. You can do this…and 13 comes after 12. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Strange no news stories on a 50 mile long truck convoy.

No it isn’t. This “strange” has been going on for years now and I’ve been telling it to you in Hannity Land for a long time now. It’s no longer strange. It’s the obvious manipulation of the masses that I label “sheoplization”.


Yes, it is strange, but I saw it with my own two eyes. I took some photos of the people on overpasses supporting them. Couldn’t get a good shot of the convoy because I was in it.


I was going on average ten miles and hour faster than they were, they kept to the right lane, took us four hours to get past them.


But I guess our state run media has blacked out the story.

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The Peoples Convoy has posted the route they will take on its website. They planned to overnight near the New Mexico/Texas border Friday night and then head on to Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and finally arrive outside Washington, D.C., by Saturday, March 5.


When I passed them yesterday they were in Missouri. On I70

Ah, that explains it. I had heard the truckers were supposed to be there by the SOTU but it appears they will arrive later. Ok, let’s see what develops.

Could that be two segments?


Roehl, UPS, and (looks like) Werner. They wouldn’t be part of any convoy. Just trucks with govenors jammed up behind other trucks with govenors.

I was out ahead of the convoy at that point.

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There were supposed to be two convoys - the “People’s Convoy” and the “Freedom Convoy USA.”

The “Freedom Convoy USA” is the one that was supposed to reach DC for the SOTU, but fizzled around Las Vegas because only 5 trucks showed up.

The “People’s Convoy” is apparently still en route.


Why not?

I saw signs saying both of those in the convoy I saw.