Canada forward bill to ban conversion therapy nationwide

All pedophiles or only the ones that act on it?

“Science” says the zealous religious groups of the left. Good one. lol

You can’t condemn people for what they think, unless it’s Donald Trump talking to the Ukraine President.

Not as sad as the butthurt bench warmers nipping at the chance to jump in for my attention.


Get over yourself. You’re not that interesting.

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Well my children are grown and well adjusted normal christian folks.

I do have some young grand children however. My daughter and son in law are keeping them in private christian schools however. :+1: :grin:

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…he said, as he continued to beg for my attention.

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Ahhhh. Finally back to the meme. The last refuge for the intellectually vacant.

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What “zealous religious groups” are you talking about? The kind that try to scare the gay out of people with Jesus?

… he said angrily, as he continued to beg for my attention until I allow him to have the last word.



We’ll talk more when the sidekicks have their sugar crash.


Always cheers me up when I hear about kids being kept out of the liberal cess pool of ideas they’ve brought into the public schools!!

Well thank God for some parents who put in actual effort like that. I appreciate them doing what they can for the future.

… he said, with steam shooting out of his ears, angry that he hasn’t had the last word yet.


Predictable answer. So…nothing. Got it.

… he said angrily, as he stomped about the room over not getting the attention he deserves.

laughs in british


:+1: :grin: We didn’t really have any private christian schools (rural area) where we raised the kids but we did have conservative school board members who would never let a trans or gay material anywhere near the schools.

I sent them off to Christian university when they graduated high school.

Private christian schools are more available in the area where the grand kiddies live.

I appreciate you. You remind me of my grampa.

… he said, as he spoke to someone likely 20 years younger than he.


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Glad to hear it! My grandkids go to our Church school, it’s kind of small. The graduating class this year is one student. But, I’d rather see them go there than any public school.