Can we talk about Mexico paying for the wall?

It doesn’t do much of anything though.

You also don’t vote for people who raise their hand that they’d provide these illegal aliens free healthcare. Actions speak louder than words my friend.

An increase in drones and and other electronic surveillance makes sense and I have argued in favor of that increase for years

Also taking away the reason they come here and giving E-Verify teeth would go farther than everything we do at the border combined

Yep. A physical barrier funnels people where we want them to go…

The whole system was being designed and requested by our border officials. I’ve posted the links dozens of times…

Anyway I’ve got a flight…I think my feelings are reasonably obvious. That border is reason enough to recognize that Biden and the left are complete failures.

Have a nice day.

Safe journey my friend. :+1: :tumbler_glass:

Yes, under and over it.

I know…rite? Have you seen those old men, pregnant women and children climbing walls? No? I wonder why not?

Sounds like those people would just go to entry point and claim asylum there. Right?

Good. So we can agree that a wall would inspire many to come across legally? Great…that’s my goal.

It’s high comedy watching people defending the ravings of a crazy person.

…and it’s sad to observe Brandonites who don’t give a rat’s ass that their country’s border is an absolute disaster and condemn the person responsible that they voted for.

You can really sense how you’re done with Trump lol

You can really sense how you’re in the tank for Biden. Lol.

I don’t know we’re you get that. The San Diego border wall was considered a big success for the area. Most of the crossing had to move inland from there.

The effectiveness of the wall has been significant according to U.S. Congressional testimony by Representative Ed Royce:

…apprehensions along the region with a security fence dropped from 202,000 in 1992 to 9,000 in 1994.[2]
The building of the Tortilla Wall is generally considered by Mexicans to be an unfriendly gesture.[1][3] It is a symbol of the controversial immigration issue. It is argued that the wall simply forces illegal border crossings to be moved to the more dangerous area of the Arizona desert.[1][3]

Yeah they moved 20-30 miles inland. There is a border wall inland too where they now cross. It moved from the majority of crossings in National City to them happening in Campo but it didn’t stop

So you were wrong it was a success. If wall went farther they would move again.

Yep a total failure :roll_eyes:

…apprehensions along the region with a security fence dropped from 202,000 in 1992 to 9,000 in 1994.[2]

That is still San Diego, it’s just a different area of San Diego where the majority of crossings now occur but they are still breaching the same wall

This type of “wall” makes a lot more sense

Just admit you were wrong and save yourself the embarrassment.

The links actually tell you were the crossing moved to and it Wasn’t San Diego unless San Diego stretches to AZ

How you have a hundred people run across. Drone can only follow one person if they split up. You have to have something to slow them down to allow CBP to arrive.

We have been flying planes with trackers and then drones on the border since the mid 90’s. How did that work? The radar system they were building did not work.

No one is saying those things wouldn’t help in correct situations.