Can trump go to jail

Only as long as it remains politically advantageous. The whole GOP caucus unswevingly supported Nixon until it became clear it was going to cost a lot of them their jobs and then they didn’t.

Nixon did something wrong; Trump has done nothing wrong.

Big difference.

So where did you get a copy of Mueller’s report?

I don’t know if Trump did anything wrong yet because evidence hasn’t been released yet, you however seem to have the answers.


Trump haters keep trying to compare Trump’s woes to Nixon’s woes. From the get go, Nixon was in serious trouble. A crime was committed, with the only remaining question being how high up the resulting coverup was taking place.

In the case of Trump, there is no crime. After almost 2 years, we still have nothing but conjecture.

There simply is no comparison.

Just make sure you get a “mouse,” which (if you don’t know) works as a foot pedal for the computer, more or less like a sewing machine.

Agreed: it’s like a Bill Hicok poem.


It’s been 1 1/2 years.

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Which is almost 8 years, give or take a few years.

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Sarah Sanders peddled this false information today as well.

It’s almost been a decade since Obama was president.

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With Watergate, there was a crime committed - the Watergate break-in. That investigation resulted in a cover-up pointing back to Nixon himself.

Thus far there is no crime. Nothing.

There is no comparison.

Well, if Trump goes to jail, that would move Ernest to second dumbest.

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That was Mr. M

He had the Martini glass avatar if I recall.

Mr Caps was an old board left. He left and came back as a troll.

You’re right. Mr. M.

Hacking the DNC is a crime.

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This is an accurate statement.

Would be awesome to see the champion of the morons go to jail and get cornholed by Bubba.

Tell your “teens” you didn’t vote for Trump.
I bet they will wanna know why you go to Starbucks instead,