Can this be confirmed? (Weaponized Justice System used to Persecute Nonviolent Conservatives)

It seems true, but I have not confirmed it.

What is “conservative” about vandalism?

There’s already a thread on this, anyway:

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The difference here is the two sets of punishments, and whether or not this is a pattern of weaponizing justice.

I still have not confirmed if the charges were dropped against the Hamas-loving thugs who assaulted cops.

My Google-fu turns up nothing reliable.


I have no doubt that you guys will see exactly the “patterns” that you want to see.

I have never seen a group of people more desperate to feel victimized than the modern American right.


You have quite an imagination. I read something that I thought needed verifying and some I swam over to a conservative website so my friends could verify. I immediately unleashed with some sort of wild imagination and personal attacks about. conservatives.

You missed a great opportunity here, several of them.

You could have said

“Hey it’s great you saw something on social media and decided to verify it before repeating it as true. Cons are like that. They don’t fall for crazy stuff like “Hunter’s laptops a hoax” and “Russian collusion”. I wish more libs were like that.”

You could have said:

If it is true, then it is definitely the stuff of the Old South, Chile in the old days under dictatorship, and China, Vietnam, Venezuela an other lefty countries today, etc.,
But you should know that the prosecutors doing that are rogues within the Democrat Party and in no way take their marching orders from Joe and Kamala. I am sure that President Harris will do everything in her power to stop this crazy abusive oppressive rogue element within America.

But you didn’t say those things. Instead, you imagined how cons are in your imagination and then launched into blanket ad hominem. Hmm . . . do you discuss issues too or just imagine things and then accuse people?


This is a blatant example of our two-tier system of justice based on woke, political ideologies that’s purpose is to indoctrinate our youth with their gender confusion.

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Yes it would appear so, but so far
what I am finding from strong valid sources is some charges dropped, some reduced but “charges were dropped against four people for assaulting an officer” may be an overstatement.

Prosecutors are definitely treating these protestors more leniently than others have been treated, but I am not sure that includes zero repercussions for assaulting a cop.

From WAPO:

Prosecutors have dropped charges against nearly half of the 25 people arrested in Washington on Wednesday during various protests over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress, according to court records and officials. . . .

Police union officials said they were frustrated to see prosecutors walk away from the cases — or, in some instances, reduce the charges — and concerned that their own staffing levels did not allow them to detain as many people as they would have liked. Officials with the D.C. attorney general’s office and the D.C. U.S. attorney’s office, which handle such prosecutions, declined to comment on the matter, citing the ongoing investigation. . . .

Park Police initially charged Krishan, Lawrence and Miller with several criminal counts including defacing public property, fighting and disorderly conduct. But prosecutors with the U.S. attorney’s office for D.C. filed a single charge against each of the three: attempted theft . . .

i am against vandalism of any kind.

everyone fellow forumite should join me.


And assaulting cops?
And different application of laws based on race, or political beliefs?

I am also against those.
I got my start in grown-up politics working for the release of a workers’ rights advocate and alleged communist who had been wrongfully imprisoned in South Korea. (and I don’t even like communists.)

How does the old saying go?

"I might not support the things you say . . .
but I will turn a blind eye when my team punishes you for saying it."
(something like that)

i am also against assaulting LEO.

every forumite should also be against that.

Law and order. you know.

follow the rules of society.


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Try Duckduckgo.

Google leaves some things that would look bad on libs out sometimes.

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Why did you link a screenshot and not links to both stories?

That was a screenshot of a topic that keeps coming up on my twitter feed.
Every time I try to verify it I wind up with

  • other social media
  • MSM stories that are a little older and verify only that some charges against lefties have been dropped and other lefties were charged only with tiny offenses in the first place (like the WAPO story.)