Can the Mueller team be charged with prosecutorial misconduct?

I get it. You don’t care unless it involves someone in the Trump campaign.

If the things that one may supposedly care about that’s is reported by some to have happened in the Obama Administration or the Clinton Campaign, and those are found to be enormous breaches of the public trust, then it stands to reason that what is laid out in the Mueller report would be that times 1000.

Unless there is some other motivation going on.

No sufficient evidence of cooperating with the Russians.
Sorry…the Mueller report you wanted to see never came out.

Did you read the thing?

Most of it, a little at a time, yes.

[quote=“SeaManatee, post:15, topic:201524”]
That’s not fair, no one one thought Nunes was good at his job.[/quote]

I did. There may be others too.

When Papadopoulos came back into the country, the FBI was waiting for him and went through his belongings. They were looking for something but didn’t find what they were looking for. Papadopoulos believes it was a Weismann set up and if so, all involved should be prosecuted.


I’ll remember this the next time Trump claims the Mueller report somehow exonerates him.

So are you fine with the coordinated effort to illegally obtain stolen information from a foreign intelligence source as described in the report?

I would wager a guess that if you walked into a jail right now and started interviewing prisoners, at least 90% would say they believed someone set them up.

How often do you see prosecutions based on their beliefs?

Mueller’s responses to the line of questioning that attempted to address this, gave credence that what Papadopoulos suggested, may very well be true?

Supposedly, Papadopoulos left the money in Greece and is on his way there to retrieve it. Again…supposedly…it will be turned over to the present authorities investigating this to see if the bills are somehow marked?

It fits right into the posted definition. Trump was de facto…exonerated.

Wailing otherwise changes nothing. Grilling Mueller before Congress changes nothing.

Whine and whine is all there is.

Trump was exonerated.


Can one be exonerated when one can’t be charged?

Why would you investigate where a charge cannot be brought?

The questions can get better and are about to…


They can’t be brought now… while one is a sitting president… I’m shaking in fear…

Not to mention there have already been not only charges, but indictments and convictions. Some of them were in Trump’s inner circle.

How can one take a report that explicitly says that the President is not exonerated and come to the conclusion that he is indeed exonerated?

A ton of people around the President are going to jail… that doesn’t mean that the President is guilty of anything.


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Easy when the author is a partisan loyalist trying to play it otherwise.

The argument becomes better when we try and discern if the author was actually Weismann or Mueller.


Mueller is a partisan loyalist?

Kill your radio.

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