Can hospital be forced to use medication requested by patient?

Tough call here. Wife wanted to use ivermectin but doctors do not. Both sides are acting in good faith here.

But where do we draw the line?

No. Doctors have to follow their oath, and if they cannot in good conscience perform a treatment, they are enabled to decline such a request.

Please note, this applies to abortions, sex reassignment, etc.

Personally, I don’t think this should carry over to pharmacists, who don’t have a primary relationship to the patient, but I am confident our current Supreme Court will disagree with me.


A few years ago I was watching a news program where they had a doctor write scripts for three different drugs that were not compatible with each other and should never be taken together. Then took the scripts to seven different pharmacy’s. Out of the seven, five Pharmacists noticed the problem and called the doctor. Out of the five, three were small independent stores and two were large chain stores. The two that completely missed it were both large chain stores.

Okay, but what I am saying is if your doctor prescribes you birth control, hormones, or an abortifacient, the pharmacist should be compelled to fill the perscription.

I agree. And I agree that a hospital should not be able to give a patient medication just because they want it.

Thankfully, no. You could discuss reasonable alternatives but ultimately the person who’s medical license is on the line must agree. The thought of being forced to administer an untested and unapproved medication at the whim of a patient is horrifying.

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I am not arguing with you, BUT I want to draw the distinction again: the doctor should not be obligated to act contrary to their oath.

I read that when Trump was air lifted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center he asked the doctors about being treated with hydroxychloroquine. And they told him no. Looks like they were doing their job.

What part of their oath would they be violating by prescribing Ivermectin?

What’s the point of controlling substances if people can just override the control?

That may be less related than it seems at first glance.

The problem here is untrained anybodies overriding trained experts, with court compulsion. The patient doesn’t face malpractice claims. The doctor does.

Controlling controls

The Problem

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I get a toradol shot every time I request one. That’s good enough for me.

Yes. You’ll have people bringing up their “research” to the doctor and asking them to prescribe various medications.

That’s a no no.

I would lean towards “no” but not for the reason you probably think:

It is considered a “symptom” of drug seeking behavior when a patient asks for a specific medication and dosage. I understand people’s confidence in Ivermectin (I am too- I’m just glad more treatments are coming out and it sounds promising. Just use a lower dosage than what is used in equaines), but, it is a slippery slope. What if it was applied to amphetamines (like Adderall), narcotics, or benzos?

Addiction ruins everything for everyone it seems

: (

And it is true that the doctor must agree to the request. About the FDA: medications are used off-label all the time. Clonodine, for example, is FDA approved to treat high BP. But many psychiatrists use it as a sleeping med because its side effect of sleep is so strong. Therefore, it can be used to treat patients who have insomnia due to anxiety. It is essentially a night-time anxiety medication. But I don’t think that it is FDA approved for that.

I agree, but what about drugs that are used off-label?

I’ve been dealing with a back issue for a couple months, some bad pain involved, missing work etc…They won’t give me what I want. Should I be able to make them prescribe what I want?..(Writing this while waiting for injection in my SI joint, first one, hopefully it does the trick)

What about

partially-trained scholars?


(Yes I’m being facetious)

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