Can a male be born with a female brain/can a female be born with a male brain?

If parents treat their male child “like a girl” or vice versa they are more likely to be confused. The notion of someone being so-called trans is really meaningless unless there’s something scientific to actually confirm that. The argument that is now being presented by the advocates of trans is that it is not one’s physical biology that determines one’s sex but it is the brain chemistry that does.


Environment plays over 99% of the “part”. Think of a child as an empty computer and then consider, who is running their software through them and what is the program? This is what makes the outcome the most predictable.

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gender dysphoria is a real thing.

as real as it gets.

from the national library website.

“Gender dysphoria (previously gender identity disorder), according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is defined as a “marked incongruence between their experienced or expressed gender and the one they were assigned at birth.”


…and now consider the dramatic increase in cases? Why would this be…genetics or environment? If it’s environment, is this not child abuse IYO?

…and @biggestal99 …it’s a 63% increase in the state of NJ in just 4 years!

Gender dysphoria diagnoses rose in nearly every U.S. state between 2018 and 2022, per a new Definitive Healthcare report.

They fell only in South Dakota, which last year became the sixth state to restrict gender-affirming care for minors.

Remove the environment that supports this insanity and the number of cases go dramatically down.

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What percent of the population @Guilds is as you described? Now IYO…this subject regarding the brain, do you think the percentage logically would vary? What do you attribute the DRAMATIC increase in the number of cases to…genetic or environment?

Yes it is a real mental disorder that should be treated NOT encouraged.


Dysphoria in general is defined as follows:

Dysphoria is a profound sense of unhappiness, distress, and indifference. Dysphoria is not a diagnosis but a symptom that’s associated with various mental health conditions, including depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

The problem is that any type of ailment that involves a person’s mind is brings a great deal of subjectivity along with it. When someone is depressed there can be numerous things that contribute to it and a person can easily be persuaded to grab on the current hot issue.

I said TRANS not gender dysphoria. A mental condition doesn’t create a new biological category of people.

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Here’s the latest arguments by the proponents of trans:

It’s not genitalia that determines gender, says clinical psychiatrist Murat Altinay, MD, Head of LGBT Mental Health Services at Cleveland Clinic. A closer look at brain structure and function reveals that transgender people have striking similarities to their identified gender rather than their biological gender — even before hormone therapy.

But then there’s this:

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No. It is genetics

No it’s not.

Sure it is.

It’s a real mental illness.

One that should be treated, not encouraged.

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In other words, the search for the tranny trigger is a failure, so they’re moving the goal posts. :wink:

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Typical crit crap.


This is from the second link posted:

When overall size is properly controlled, no individual brain region varies by more than about 1% between men and women, and even these tiny differences are not found consistently across geographically or ethnically diverse populations.

Other highly touted brain sex differences are also a product of size, not sex. These include the ratio of gray matter to white matter and the ratio of connections between, versus within, the two hemispheres of the brain. Both of these ratios are larger in people with smaller brains, whether male or female.

What’s more, recent research has utterly rejected the idea that the tiny difference in connectivity between left and right hemispheres actually explains any behavioral difference between men and women.

This completely contradicts what some of these other studies say that they are finding.

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Intersex is about 1.7% Trans is about 5%

There is not an increase of trans folks… There is an increase of trans folks coming out.
Trans have been a part of humankind…well, since humans.

So has slavery. Should we support that?

So has murder, Should we support that?

So has cannibalism, should we support that?

My point is that just because something has been around since the dawn of time does not necessarily make it worthy to be kept for future generations.

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Then you can’t read!

Here’s the map of the entire United States. If it was genetic, they’d be very, Very, VERY close in numbers but…they aren’t. Guess why? Perverts are perverting our youth at different rates around the country and around the world.



You seem to be confused as to what naturally occurs in nature…vs man made actions.