Campaigner in chief? Obama v Trump

Except, in reality, it’s just clogging up the thread and making people sift through posts that don’t actually have anything to add to the discussion.

“I don’t care” doesn’t improve the discussion. I’ll do my part by longer responding to such posts in this thread.

Your response is superfluous. I posted for those who may have been reading and inadvertently got sucked in to the idea that the thread mattered. You might as well have responded to Howdy Doody for all it accomplished.

It’s a nice assertion. It lacks in evidence but sure. Go forth and assert

What’s cwazy is how effective Trump has been at exposing his supporters as raving hypocrites.


If people can pretend to be Christians for 40 - 50 years, and preach about family and Christian values, it’s nothing for them to be two faced about executive orders, golfing and campaigning.

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Not volunteering you, just a general statement made. Not expecting anyone to do that anyways. Seems that the tide has shifted.

I’d be curious to know who all piled on at the old board in threads that complained about “King Putt” and “Campaigner-in-Chief”. Would be nice to ask them since they did pile on if they held the same anger as they did for Obama in the same sense.

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The media is a wing of the dems. Part of the Hill campaign. They thought they were so smart running Trump interviews every night.

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Yeah. I just recently learned how much evangelicals love egotistical, lying philanderers who base all their actions upon greed, avarice, and selfishness.

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Fox and Breitbart and Hannity, and the RNC are a wing of the dems? That’s weird of you to say.

Those are 3 of the 4 sources I cited in the OP as having complained about Obama campaigning too much. So don’t you agree that they, as well as Trump, are hypocrites for complaining that Obama campaigned too much, but not complaining that Trump has been campaigning starting a month after he took office?

I personally think many Trump voters are just like Trump. They just hid it well for decades.

He doesn’t give a crap if everyone knows he’s a money worshipping adulterer.