California Supreme Court blocks ballot measure to divide state into three

Very glad to see that the court blocked this stupid measure.

Yeah…must not allow the people to decide.

I hope it goes to the SCOTUS and gets overturned. This is NOT a judicial call IMO. This is what it’s all about…where the rubber meets the road.

Do you really not see the disastrous consequences of successfully splitting a state in the 21st century?

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Not much democracy in democrat these days…

Will of the People

Is that for a court to decide?

How would this go to SCOTUS? It’s a state question not a federal question…

Really? So if California decides to split into 3 states, the two new states that would be then created as a result would just magically be part of the Federal Union after the split? Are you sure about that?


It’s a thing

Sigh… Yeah, I’m sure… If you actually look at the case filed in STATE court, you would see the question is one of the STATE’s proposition process… There is NO federal issue here…

Where does one appeal a state question beyond the California Supreme Court?

The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution

Good luck with your appeal…

Sure. Just ignore the Supremacy clause. It’s not like there’s anything in the Federal Constitution giving California the right to break into 3 states, just as there isn’t a right to secede from the Union. Seems to me that would be your unanswered Federal question right there. Does California have the right to split itself into 3 separate states despite their membership in the Federal Union?

The idiocy in blocking this is that it makes no ******* if the proposition passed or didn’t pass.

Even if it passed, the State Legislature would still have to agree to the split and they won’t and Congress would have to agree to the split and they won’t.

There would have been no harm at all in letting this go forward.

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They are all “state questions”.

Until they become federal questions.

Well, given your apparent understanding, I suggest you contact the supporters of the measure and offer your services… They appear to need them…

Right because no one at any time has ever in the history of this Country ever attempted to push a State measure that went against the Federal Constitution. But hey look on the bright side, we might finally get that second civil war you’ve all been carrying on about. :roll_eyes:

Given your passion, you should feel confident in offering to assist the parties in filing a suit in federal court… Good luck…