California paying off foreign nationals

Who chose to break the law.

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So would you advocate for open borders?

What exact race is illegal emigre (the term “alien” sounds so sci fi. They’re still human beings.

With regards to the O P, granted, these aren’t the most recent statistics, but it appears, if anything, illegal immigration has been on the decline in more recent years. And I remember before years when the economy was in decline, Mexican nationals were returning there. It’s been on the decrease from there, anyways.

Which still doesn’t answer the question of what race is illegal emigre? And yes, the O P is right, a majority of Californians did choose Gavin Newsome to represent them.

Need you to do what? Run up our debt?

Provide money for the welfare red states

Well thanks. We don’t need it though. We had a surplus before the plague. Probably still do. But sure, send us your cash if you want.

There are no welfare recipients in blue states?

‘Scuse me while I laugh my ass off!

It’s considered an honor in this dump to get Mass Health in particular.

Some interesting facts about immigration

A minority of immigrants are not here legally. O P it appears the upset is due to assistance a minority of human beings are even getting as most immigrants in the U S are here legally.

Im not talking about specific people.

I am talking about states, federal funding. California gives out more than it takes from the feds.

My issue isn’t with immigrants. It’s with border crashers. I would limit the number of immigrants to about 500,000. We don’t need to add a city the size of Cincinnati every year. That’s just too much.

Funny, I don’t see CA on this list.

" Notably, high-tax California was no longer on the list of donor states, although just barely – taxpayers there receive, on average, $12 more from the federal government than they pay out to it. Texas and Minnesota were also bumped off the most recent list."


So do millions of Americans that speed.

A law that Americans agree is necessary. Americans did not approve of being shut down until governors decide “it’s safe” to work. We agreed to flatted the curve. And we did.


Americans also demanded that something be done about the epidemic.

I’m glad you mentioned this. Have you heard of operation Warp speed? 300 million doses are expected by October. I’m guessing vials will start rolling off the line by August.

I see the only word that matters POTENTIAL.

[quote=“mobulis, post:77, topic:231380, full:true”]

I know. You seem to be hoping for the worst. We can guarantee the vaccine is safe. How effective it will be remains to be seen. But there is reason to be very optimistic. All of the trials are looking really good! Thank God for Big Pharma! :slightly_smiling_face:

Then they should pray and repent.

President Trump should definitely demand that scientists invent and approve a perfectly working vaccine NOW. Biden would do it…unless he considered it hysterical or xenophobic.
