Why hasn’t CA simply been just taxing the rich to solve all their problems? It’s nothing but libs running the state and aren’t they all college educated?
California coming to you…Newsome campaign slogan make United states into California.
Come on maaaaaaaaaaaan. It’s a sanctuary state…just tax the illegals and it’s all good…amirite?
Oh wait…
Calipornia sure knows how to waste money.
It is only 2 to 2.5k per person (if I have my math correct) … of course that is probably what they’ll admit and not the actual total.
I would point out that that total includes all the bureaucrats and then the sweetheart deals for the contractors. The actual amount spent on the homeless is probably somewhere north of final swag (not nessarily a lot though) spent in Ukraine.
the big earthquake hits and half the problem goes into the ocean
I can’t wait to hear what our resident californian has to say about this
As Californian loves to say … “So goes California, so goes the Nation.”
They are the trend-setters, don’tchaknow.
Will they have enough to pay reparations?
Nope. +10, Samm. The Calipornian liberals want to bankrupt the USA.
Progressive liberalism is ■■■■■■■ up the fabric of our society. Did you see they (Calipornian liberals) are now passing a law on gender neutral toys in stores.
Let’s Go Brandon.
Not with a 10 foot pole?
California faces a 68 billion dollar budget deficit
Clearly they aren’t taxed nearly enough.
Ya know what would be really bad?
It would be really bad if California acted like that temporary surge near the end were something other than a temporary surge.

Nope. +10, Samm. The Calipornian liberals want to bankrupt the USA.
Progressive liberalism is ■■■■■■■ up the fabric of our society. Did you see they (Calipornian liberals) are now passing a law on gender neutral toys in stores.
Let’s Go Brandon.
I guess the multimillion dollar reparation payments will have to wait!
I wonder if the cost of harboring illegal aliens, exceeds the tax revenue they generate?
Maybe the problem is . . .
Maybe the problem is no one told them that temporary surge in tax revenue near the end was only a temporary surge.
You know, like, they thought it was going to be permanent and the problem is the people who knew otherwise didn’t speak loudly enough.
@PurpnGold can shed some positive light on this.