CA Teachers Caught recruiting children into gay clubs?

It was only 600 people. I don’t think that is an accurate stat.

Here’s what happened.

This fad will die out like JNCO jeans and adults will look back and laugh at the stupidity. lol

The URL speaks for itself.


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So it is the recruiters who get to secretly decide what is “normal”? Kind of like what Maxwell’s job was.

Maybe y’all should get out more?

Probably just part of living in a big city. Interesting anecdote, my old boss is gay. I went to his wedding, he had a drag queen performing at the venue. Fun times. The dude is the biggest conservative I know, and the staunchest Trump supporter. It’s a neat dichotomy.

Well you might not run into many people who don’t look like you or date like you in BFE Mizzou… but in LA… it’s unbelievably common.

Hope you got some counseling for that.

I think however, all adults are not doing that.

Good lawd…these posts remind of the same posts about gay marriage 10 years ago.

Did you guys not learn anything?

I’m sorry but I’m missing why there is outrage about this?

If they created a chess club or robotics… are they also predators? Why the assumption that the creation of a safe space for kids who otherwise wouldn’t have one… is suddenly a breeding ground for pedos?

Some Conservatives really have weird fantasies

Another vivid imagination moment.

Do teachers scheme to make sure the parents don’t know that their children have joined the chess club?


There were/are GSA clubs in both the middle and high schools for at least 15 years.

There was a freak out then too.

Now we are back to gays = pedophiles.

I understand not being progressive…why choose to be regressive?

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Robotics clubs?

Grooming for the machine apocalypse?:thinking:

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Depends on if that parent hates the game of chess? Then it’s possible.

Why the assumption that having a gay club means pedophiles will follow. Why doesn’t that assumption exist for other clubs like chess or robotics?

And the “author” has a huge bias.

What do homosexual acts consist of? What do chess plays consist of? I can think why it might be important to have the parents of a child informed about one more than the other…and it isn’t chess.
If there is nothing to hide, don’t hide it.


Indeed. One of my closest friends for years, is a gay, catholic conservative. As an agnostic liberal, we have interesting conversations!

The same thing as heterosexual acts? Do parents need to be warned of their son liking a girl?

And i can think of reasons why a student wouldn’t want their parents knowing. Just look at this thread. Assuming teachers are pedos just for providing the space for them.

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All the old hits are coming back. Gays are pedophiles, they are recruiting children, etc. etc.

Just you wait, once Roe is gone, Gay marriage is next on the chopping block.