CA Teachers Caught recruiting children into gay clubs?



Oh man you have no idea just how close I got few libs here admitting that it was acceptable/normal behavior…LOL until someone came and dunk their heads into the trough.

We are still laughing about it years later. :wink:


LGBT kids need safe spaces where they can learn about themselves. Non toxic environment where they can ask questions, and be assured what they are going through is normal.

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Grooming and pedophiles exist. But you can’t just accuse people with no evidence. If we are worried about adults being around kids, than schools, YMCAs, youth sports clubs, etc. Should not exist.

What LGBTQ kids? In nearly 20 years in education there were about 5 that I was aware of.

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They so “common” that pedophiles need to sniff out “potentials” in school children after spying on them.

As the years go on, fewer and fewer LGBT kids stay in the closet.

I read the thread before the article. I agree with both of you. Gay kids do need a safe space and pedophiles need bullets to the back of there head. So I had to go read the article and they were doing way more than setting up a safe space. They were targeting kids they thought might be gay. That is kinda creepy.


“Article” in the loosest sense of the word. It’s a poorly sourced substack. I think I’ll wait for some secondary confirmation



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They confided in you though?

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Pssst…lgbtq folks are everywhere…

On TV anyhow.

Real life too. My jobs have me dealing with the public. I’ve worked with, and have dealt with quite a few gay people.

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Anyone ever notice how ibs always “know and work with and are friends with many many” whoever conservatives are talking about at any given time?

“My best friend is black!” :rofl:


Babylon bee?

Oh man, 40 percent?

That’s gotta be the biggest steaming pile of ■■■■■■■■■ I’ve seen in recent memory. :rofl:


That seems high to me too, but maybe the ‘B’ and the ‘Q’ help explain it?

Nope. :rofl: