CA bans gas vehicles

By the way- the plan says that one fifth of the vehicles can be hybrid so Mountain Soldier- not to worry- you can still get an enormous rig to put all your stuff.

One fifth of automakers’ sales after 2035 could be plug-in hybrids, but the rest must be powered solely by electricity or hydrogen. If the plan is approved, automakers that do not meet that goal could be fined $20,000 per vehicle sold short of that goal.

I’m support this… beachfront property is really expensive.

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It’s already failed and that is exactly what we are doing. MOCKING the idiots that did this to American Citizens.

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Its the year 2036?

No, it’s only 2022 and Manhattan still isn’t under water as was predicted for 2012.

Name one…JUST ONE…global environmental disaster the Democrats predicted that has come true?


I support the transition to electric, but this is the wrong way to do it.

As EVs get better they will beat ICE because of their numerous advantages over ICE. The costs will come down. The batteries will switch to solid state and will be much cheaper to replace over the next decade.

But this is just government forcing a solution. And that isn’t their job. The market will handle this situation because in terms of the average American and their average use for vehicles, EVs beat ICEs. Especially once the charging infrastructure catches up.

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In addition to the vehicle you’ll have to play an extra $1-4K for the charger.


Kukharets said Bonney’s estimated prices for residential electric vehicle charges range from $850 to $3,500

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Have you heard about the 1200 year old mega drought happening in the US? Its likely one of the reasons California wants to make this change.

‘Megadrought’ persists in western U.S., as another extremely dry year develops.

wheres all the rare earths and lithium gonna come from for newsom’s little fever dream?

Things change. I’m driving an ICE car right now and plan to until the engine drop out onto the road. It’s a Subaru so it might be awhile. But when it does I’ll look around and see what’s available.

And when it comes to electric vehicles I have relatives and friends that do have them so I do have some knowledge and not talking out my ass as usual. Things are improving all the time. More and more public charging stations are popping up all the time. And (get a pencil) a friend of my BIL who used to work with him in the state park department before my BIL retired has had a side hustle doing electrician work for years. He says half the jobs he gets anymore are installing charging stations in people’s homes.

If leaded gas was so bad, why did the authoritarian government have to force people to stop using it?

Because, y’know, LEAD!

You are correct. By 2035, almost everybody will be buying EVs anyway regardless, simply because they’ll be better than gas/diesel options. It may be completely moot because most of not all of the major car manufacturers will have shifted over entirely to electric vehicles by then.

Thread title is a very misleading. Gas cars have not been banned.

Is there a problem now with gas stations?

I dunno. How many gas pumps are there currently?

Nonsense. The first big step is in the IRA. California will follow suit.

And once again, the average American drives 27 miles per day. That’s to work then home, with errands on the way. That type of driving is easily supported with at home charging.

You guys wanna talk about 600 mile trips, so you can throw your precious little hissy fits. Thing is, when you do so, you are conveniently avoiding discussing the reality of the issue.

Exactly. Liberals don’t give a damn about people that take big trips like that.

It’s throwing a hissy fit when it’s a concern of ours. And there is zero desire to even acknowledge it being a concern.

And you couldn’t care less.


Thing is, that might not be true.

First, there is an enormous geo-political incentive for the U.S. to drastcally slash our dependence on oil. Such independence can literally keep us out of war (see Desert Storm), as well as entangling alliances (see Saudi Arabia).

Also, it turns out the government thinks that we are affecting climate change. And most everbody agrees. If this is true, government is entirely justified in taking this step.

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Except for, as previously stated, you CAN drive an EV 600 miles in a day.

We don’t care about you because you are a grown man throwing a damn temper tantrum.

So pay up.


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You’ll still be able to fill your ICE vehicle and go for your 600 mile jaunt in CA in 2035. And in 2050. Despite your incorrect and misleading thread title, gas vehicles aren’t being banned. I’m also quite certain that by 2035, EVs and charging infrastructure will be such that nobody would want to buy a gas car anyway.