Bye bye Boebert (redistricting)

You still have not established your original claim and yet you keep defending it :rofl:

Of course I read it. I’ve read the whole thing. Twice.

You are trying to set CRT apart from Critical Theory, something none of them; not Bell, not Delegado, not Crenshaw, ever tried to do.

In fact, they do the opposite, they admit it.

Trying to make the vehicle into the road? Tsk, tsk.

Take credit for it. It’s working. They’ve got you believing your oppressed, imagine what Johnny believes.

I understand the fear.

I can do this all day long.

CRT was not first and it is not unique. One of the beauties of Critical Theory.

Critical Pedagogy… wonder what that means…

And yet you asked me where I see legal in The image you posted. :rofl:

I’m not sure why this point is relevant to your argument. Seems like you are trying to gish gallop to something else. Turn your blinker on if you want to change lanes.

“My guy” why the hell are you referencing that paragraph? This is getting really bad.

You want me to be impressed that you (assuming that is your finger) have a CRT book that you haven’t read?

Do you see the “education things”? Bell drug CT into the legal field, not vice versa. At Marcuse’s direction.

I will give ypu the word “legal” appears once in that photo. Now when I post a photo with the words Marx and Marcuse, where we going to be?

I think you are quite sure

The finger bothers you?

I have read it. And a lot more. And you know it. I can smell the fear through the internet.

Miles away from “CRT is being taught in K12”

What? :rofl::rofl:

I wish it would show through a bit more. Posting random images of paragraphs asking me about what is in it…. And then being wrong about what is in it… is really weird.

No it isn’t. And you know it.

You brought it up.

They aren’t random. The definition. Page 3.

Here’s another.

Was Gramsci a lawyer? Foucault? Derrida?

Notice how this made up thing has become the concern to divert away from a politician that shows support for a movement that advocates for the military takeover of the government and execution of political rivals.

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It was inconsequential to my point. These blurry finger images are weird. You post an entire paragraph or page with any context around what you are attempting to “prove”

Then when you do say what you are attempting to prove… in the photos…you are wrong… in the photo

No, but Gramsci didn’t develop CRT. Or CLS for that matter.

He is just itching to be wrong on “CRT being taught in k12”

And I’m happy to oblige.

Not at all. Now that I read your claim a little closer, could it be she didn’t personally advocate for either one but got a little paint on her when you slopped it around?

Can someone help Cawthorn out and teach him to spell his own name? West Point my ass.
Screen Shot 2021-09-05 at 4.26.49 PM

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He’s not wrong and you got caught.

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Picking on a disabled person penmanship?

Slow news day with Biden back on vacation.

Boebert isn’t going away. I like her.

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Cost Implications

This item cannot be accomplished with current staff and resources under the proposed Modified 2021-2022 Strategic Plan and Budget. It would cost an additional $127,600.

So no.