Bye bye Boebert (redistricting)

:rofl: Good Lord. It’s like playing cards with my brother’s kids.

Go fish…


Of course it’s being taught. Every single one of the concepts. All of them. They are being immersed in it.

They are being taught. Later they will be trained.

Ok class… we have gone from

“CRT is being taught to K12”


“CRT is practiced in K12”


“K12 is being indoctrinated”

In 3 posts…

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independent? is that why they redrew the preliminary map to put a gop seat at risk? independent my ass. that said, i have no problem with it, gerrymandering is the result of all redistricting and it is within the sole purvue of the legislatures to do so.

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Yes, it is being taught.

Yes, it is being practiced on them.

Yes, they are being indoctrinated in it.

Check your premise.


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It’s not about grasping…it’s about indoctrination.


You have yet to establish your original claim (the Bailey). You have not shown CRT (the theory) being taught in K12.

You can claim that certain aspects are being practiced (the motte) and I probably wouldn’t disagree with you there. Examining the legal and racial aspects of brown v board or Plessy can be an outcome of CRT.

But you aren’t doing that. You are falling into the conservatives outrage complex that you say you aren’t a part of.

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Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.

Vladimir Lenin


My premise?


You made the claim… you back it up. You won’t back it up because it requires you to go back to your motte and change your original claim. So instead of showing that CRT is being taught in k12… you will show that a teacher wants to examine racism In the justice system… then scream “CRT!! See!”

What in God’s name are you talking about now?

“Make up something then vehemently argue for its existence”


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There’s a whole thread!

No, not certain aspects. All of it.

From Textbook

Where do you see legal in there?

Yes, your premise. There is no contradiction. Just praxis.

I didn’t make it up. Marx and Marcuse did.

Why do you deny a successful strateg… the backlash?

Your claim is CRT is being taught. Period.

You can change it now to… “practiced” but that was not your original claim.

The thread you link STILL is not showing your original claim.

Race, Racism and POWER.

Right out of The Textbook.

Page 3 of the Introduction. A. What is Critical Race Theory

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Not a nice try. It is being taught. It is being practiced. It is being indoctrinated.

You © have been caught.

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You didn’t read your image did you… :rofl:

“Legal reasoning”
“Constitutional law”

This is way to easy for me. You are flailing

Your denial doesn’t help your case.