Businesses defying stay at home orders/corporate greed/socialism

■■■■■■ deal.

Where are people supposed to buy the supplies to make masks, gowns, aprons, and especially face shields to donate to “causes” or for their own facilities?

No…that doesn’t accomplish anything but…if they’re my employee, I will…for a time.

Wouldn’t call it “greed” or “socialism” if this particular store stayed open.

I’d say about 60-75 percent of the stock at the store near me is oriented towards those making their own clothes, with about 50% of it fabric, which can be used to make cloth face masks.

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“Classy.” :roll_eyes:

The hospitals are asking for them to use as covers for their N95.

If you don’t what the ■■■■ is going on in this situation, don’t butt in.

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Hobby Lobby need the money to buy more stolen middle eastern art.

Yes, you wear a basic mask over your N95 help it last a little longer, I doubt hobby lobby sell anything more then basic dust masks.

wearing a face mask doesn’t stop the you from getting the virus unless its a N95 it simply slow the spread by cover your mouth.

Nobody said any different. No one has claimed these masks are being made to stop the virus. They are being made specific to hospital requests and specifications to allow the healthcare workers to preserve their N95’s a little longer.

BTW, it’s not Hobby Lobby selling masks for ■■■■■■ sake.

Ugh. Again if you don’t know what is going on don’t come in here and tell others what is what.

Hobby Lobby and other retail outlets sell the materials used to make the masks the healthcare community is asking for. Right now there is a serious shortage of elastic and other items for those taking up the effort.

Selling basic dust masks. For ■■■■■ sake. :roll_eyes:

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“Overweening Arrogance”, best line of the week.

The arrogance is in presuming to play dictator.

Any you remain consistently wrong. What a shock.

A double or triple layer cotton mask will prevent you from inhaling the aersol droplets as long as it’s of adequate thread count.

The key is in getting a good fit so air isn’t working it’s way around the mask.

This is far easier to achieve with cotton than it is with fiberglass and nylon both of which have to be far denser. When they are that dense, they will leak around the edges unless there is a rubberized soft seal or something similar.

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Uh learning how to do it.

Exactly…and then applying that knowledge with a combined capitalistic effort to grow it into your very own business. Now you’re catching on. This is how capitalism works.

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Or at least a more decent job than cruising gay bars for drunks who need a ride home.

Maybe, but they’re not dumb for supporting certain policies that get wrongly get lambasted as socialist.

There are more.