Bullying- Nobody gets it as bad as Melania

I wonder what fatass moochelle and her ghetto trash children think of this double standard.

And before some trigger happy red hatter hits the report button, literally all of these things were said about Michelle, Sasha and Malia regularly

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Here is a video of her talking about it. - YouTube

You claimed Michelle did the same. Prove it.

Standard YouTube warning. Racist talk is in the video. strong text

It’s more than a little ironic that a foreign-born woman who sounds like Natasha Fatale would be demanding to see an American citizen’s birth certificate as proof of his eligibility to become president.

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Especially when her own circumstances are more then suspect. Still waiting on that press briefing Trumpy promised

Michelle Obama was excoriated for trying to get kids to eat healthily. It’s unreal what people came up with to attack her. And all of the hatred stemmed from one line in one speech that was more of a rhetorical flourish than anything.

No, it’s NOT “what everyone is saying”. I made a post listing some of the crass things. I have no doubt you saw it, so you KNOW your statement was a lie.

If what you quoted were merely what everyone was saying, I wouldn’t have said a thing about it.

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Yes it is. You’re just being a snowflake

That double standard isn’t limited to just this issue. Duplicity abounds in the liberal world.


CORTEZ CONFUSION: Socialist Star Says US Should STOP PRODUCING ‘Fossil Fuels’ Immediately | Sean Hannity

I spit my coffee out when I read that headline. :laughing:

How on earth could she be that clueless?

Did she lie in a coma for the last 10 years or so and just wake up before she jetted off on her African Vacation this month on the Taxpayers Dime?

That is one bonkers statement.

i kept texting Obama and told him to stop being black, kenyan and muslim.

Hyperbole? Nah, homie. Hell, she even had the chance to walk it back to an understandable level and instead doubled down on it.

She gets to own this one. As the single most privileged woman on the planet, she should have never let those words slip passed her lips.

And yes, Michelle held the same privilege…but you show me where anyone has questioned Melanias’ sexual orientation or ghetto status and get back to me before comparing the ■■■■ said about either of them. Its not even close.

You can’t claim that’s Melania in the video. A fat kid in his mother’s basement could fake a video like that. Did you see how low res it was? That’s a complete giveaway.

Melania doesn’t even get bullied as much as Hillary.

She does not even get bullied as much as Chelsea was

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Poor, poor Melania. To be so viciously attacked by the lib mob just because she’s married to a man selflessly sacrificing himself in the name of MAGA. :us:

No one may have questioned Melania’s sexual orientation or ghetto status, but some have questioned her fashion choices. In Melania’s world there could be no worse accusation.

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