Bulletproof backpack sales on the rise

Can you imagine, if parents were actually held accountable, for the raising and well being of their children? The bulletproof backpack industry would be out of business.

I have a dream…that one day…

How specifically would you do that ? F.e. by all accounts Columbine shooters were raised in a healthy family environment.

Black kids have the most fatherless homes of any race in America. How many of them go and commit mass murders at Walmart’s or festivals?


You can tell it’s propaganda when they use percents and not real numbers. Dems are not taught math well. So they don’t get that tripling 1 to 3 is a 200 percent increase. lol!

There’s no such thing as “bullet proof”.

Black “kids” are doing their mass murders in other places.


What difference does location make? Does that allow you to ignore all the killing and shooting in dem run black communities?

The only reason I can think of that the left does not care about daily shootings in Dems cities is racism… Because if whites kids are shot in much less numbers they go crazy and try to remove your rights. They almost never even mention black kids dying it seems…

Open your eyes my friend and stop pointing fingers. We all need to address this youth violence and news flash…the black race is included.

Why do people persist in framing their argument in terms of one or the other? They are not mutually exclusive.

Sorry…that was last year. Here’s this year.

Because the left ignores the massive problems in their cities. And since it’s mostly American blacks dying in dem cities then leftist logic would say they ignore the problem because they are racists.

It’s sad aussie’s went sheeple and let the govt disarm them.

As I have pointed out many, many times sheep jokes don’t work on Aussies. You will need a better diversionary tactic than that one.

Want to compare violent crime rates between our country and theirs ?

I’m assuming theirs is a ton higher since their law-abiding citizens aren’t able to arm themselves, correct ? :wink:

How many of them commit acts of domestic terrorism?

How many of them commit acts of domestic terrorism?

You are comparing apples and oranges

In American “sheeple” means passive and thoughtless… You went to the other place, so… Kind of Freudian, lmao!

The rationalisations continue albeit this one is a spectacular failure.

Well, at least you tried…hee, hee,hee!


That was my Scuba Doo moment.


Seriously? Surely it should have been baa baa baa.

^^^^ Laughing at Australians for letting themselves be disarmed while one’s chances of being a victim of violent crime are way lower over there than here.

Kinda like laughing at someone for spending money and time on a college degree while they live in a mansion and you live in a tent under a bridge (but at least you didn’t let yourself get duped by that college scam)