Build the wall!

Backbone. Apparently, Trump has it and enough of the GOP still doesn’t. They’re afraid of being called names and lied about. If it’s going to happen anyway though, they might as well earn it.

There is a difference between believing it will be and wishing it would be.

Yeah Ish, we know that in your’s and Trump’s bizarro world America, the richest country in the world, is the one that has been treated unfairly and stolen from all this time.

It’s pathetic.

You might be more convincing without your strawman sitting on your lap.
Apparently the smallest skepticism cannot be overcome by whatever rational facts you have. So … emotion and strawman have to suffice.

They act like they can reach across the aisle and everyone will love them. Idiots. They will be demonized regardless.

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So it’s impossible for the rich to ever be treated unfairly or stolen from?

Here’s a strawman for you Ish, water is wet.

Now there is a strawman being set up Ish.

No, but for Ish to cry about how we give other nations money, just like all the cons here do while we have taken and continue to take so much more from them is pathetic.

Not a strawman

We have given a lot more than has ever been taken from anyone.

And the lib mob selfishly disregards the lives of children…AGAIN.


lol - Sad that so many here believe that. Even with the evidence to the contrary all around you every day.

It’s ridiculous as well as pathetic.

Just…I can’t even. So ■■■■■■■ stupid.