Brither 2.0 Omar married her brother

I thought the Democrats loved the type of people who married their brother.

And Somali pirates any gender

Look at the trouble you are going to analyzing a little response as if though it was a big policy statement just to get Trump.


Bigots would not sell them cakes.


I’m doing nothing of the sort. This isn’t even difficult analysis.

Made even more clear once I learned the reporter was from OAN.

That’s clear evidence the whole thing was a setup just so Trump could do what he did.

This is classic rhetorical manipulation.


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How can Omar’s Mom give birth to her Brother one year after she died?

Oh for ■■■■■ sake…why are we talking about this trash…?

Seriously? How stupid are people to believe this?

I joined this board at the time of the “Ground Zero Mosque” kerfuffle.

So people can be really stupid.


Talk about ignoring laws and the constitution for your base emotions.

Can you imagine if that was a story right now?

Omg I think someone would be killed

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Perhaps we should ask her father.

Why all the hub bub? Even if true, her religion of peace permits it.
The old news is that an unmarried Omar filed “joint” US tax returns for a couple of years. Oh, and there was that misappropriation of campaign donations thingy up in Minnesota.

You don’t have to have the same mother to be siblings.

I think she was married just not to the man she filed the joint tax return with. She mixed the two up. Accidentally of course. She is a very honest and ethical person. Very religious and law abidding. Just like a nun.


Very normal behavior.

We’re not crackin’ up.

pfffft. wow.

What a website:

“The Jihad Squad”

Do you support the current USA President that is making him, the office and the USA a laughing stock around the world? A president who was so afraid of getting wet that he couldn’t be bothered showing his respect to Americans who lost their lives in the first world war. A president who needed to be told more than 10 times the USA cannot negotiate directly a trade deal with Germany.

More real then the Russian collusion lie pushed Assclown liars.

Frivolous talking points, let’s talk about the acts of treason committed against the American people by Obama and his Deepstate.

If you had evidence of same, one would have thought that you would HAVE provided the evidence to the appropriate authorities. Talking about these alleged acts of treason to a Sandgroper leads one to believe that there is absolutely no evidence and one could describe such claims as “fake news”.

Reality is Muellers investigation is over, the ones into Uranium One, Benghazi, Fisa abuse, Hillary’s server are all still being investigated.