Breaking: Top diplomat confirms there was quid pro quo

It’s incredible how much a Former SoS lives in the minds of the right. She gets more press on Fox, post admin, than Obama. It’s ridiculous lol


Look at President Me’s twitter feed. It’s all there from the innocent man himself. His great and infant… I mean infinite wisdom is on full display.

A Benny Hill skit. Looks like they’re in panic mode led by Matt Gaetz.

Such drama queens.:rofl:

Hark, did you hear a bell?

Finally sinking in that he’s an actual moron, huh?

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Ohmigod please do this so someone can put Yakkity Sax under it.

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Nah, pelosi was just ■■■■■■■ with em and announced a scavenger hunt for the whistleblower

Looks like a proud Boys gathering.


Hillary can’t quit Hillary.

A large pack of little bitches!

Try again. Hit your head a bit harder. Ring louder, I am eating globally warmed potato chips

Honest question. Do you expect Trump to completely stay out of the public’s eye after leaving office?

Speaking of “bitches” a lefties in MA is considering a bill that could find a person jailed for calling another person a “bitch.” That’s progress.

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Can’t quit Trump. This isn’t about Trump. I thought we were discussing Hillary. Dang this always happens.

But it is. You’re expections are totally unrealistic

Um no the topic of discussion is the verification of Trump’s quid pro quo. But yes you did desperately try to change the subject and everyone reading knows why

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The comments were about the present Hillary. Not the future 2024 when Trump’s term is over.

We’re a couple of days away from crimes aren’t really crimes.

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Um no, the conversation comment was about the R’s not being able to quit Hillary. I responded to that comment.

thanks for nothing